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I woke up to the sound of horse hooves and instantly knew it was The Creators. This group was always here after a major crime or problem in the city. Their black horses and black armor was ghostly and creepy, which they wore for this exact affect.

The Creators were all women, strong women. I am told that they created our world as we know it today. There is only one man in the group, and it is Romanar. Roman, as we call him, is the supreme governor of the whole land.

Something major had to be wrong- because when I saw Roman step out of the black horse drawn chariot, I knew something was up.

"Achem." One Creator said. Her ID read: "Emily" so I made a mental note of her name.

Headmistress stepped outside onto the cold cement porch and put her hands on her hips. She was in a mood, and even Roman couldn't change that.

"By decree of Romanar, our governor," Emily began, "Cornelia Ann Shirley must report to the chariot at once, for robbery of 3 million dollars from Costo Bank."

I almost fainted. I knew Cornelia very well you see, and so I was scared for her.

For her life.

"Lies!" Headmistress declared, defending me - i mean Cornelia.

She waggled her bottom and pulled her black skirt higher onto her hip.

"Cornelia would never do such a thing. She's my favorite girl here! She's an angel."

Roman stomped up the cement porch steps with a glint in his eye. He looked like an evil king trying to take over a city. Fierce and petrifying.

"You will give me the girl," he said quietly, seething through his white teeth. He clenched his fists and the Creators with him held up their guns.

Headmistress gulped and began to cry. "She is innocent, Roman."

"I am to be called CREATOR!" He roared, stomping on her foot. She winced in pain.

From the window, I saw Emily hesitate with her gun. She lowered it.

"Gun up!" Roman screeched, slapping Emily across the face. "I don't have you here to play games woman!"

Emily held back tears, but a red hand mark was etched on her right check.

The other Creators glanced at her with sympathy, but held their guns up high to save themselves from the reprimand.

Roman closed his eyes and breathed. He looked tired and agitated, as if this mess was a minor headache, soon to pass.

He looked at Headmistress with swollen eyes and hatred.

"Bring her to me."


Headmistress wiped her eyes and closed the door. I heard her footsteps come up the old stairs.

I frantically looked around for a place to hide.

Oh right.

Yes, my name is Cornelia.

Please let me finish.

Then I will explain.

Of course i promise!

I frantically looked around for a place to hide.

A small opening in the wall caught my eyes and I leaped into it, closing the door and latching it just as Headmistress came into the room.

"Child," she said in agony, "Run away, through the rooftops. You have been accused of something you didn't do, and I'm sorry. Run away and never come back. Do not tell anyone your name, and disguise yourself. I will try my best to keep them away. God bless you."

Tears began to spring in my eyes, but I rubbed them away. I had to be quiet and careful. One word or sound could give me away.

I looked around the small hiding spot I was wedged in. Nothing useful, except the rope dangling from a high up place. The roof.

I hoisted myself up and began to climb.

Dirt and dust fell in my face as I attempted to climb the small narrow chimney.

Up and up I went for about a minute, when I heard the roaring of Roman.


I pulled myself higher.

"She's not there, Roman."



I began to silently cry, my salty tasting tears washing away the grub on my face.

Crying began to erupt in the orphanage as the sobbing Headmistress slammed the door shut. I reached the roof, and from my hiding place I watched Emily throw an axe at the orphanage's front door before leaving.

In our land, this action represents something.

It represents killing.

The axe in the door means "watch them"

If another axe is thrown at the door, the door will break, and the Creators will kill all who sleep in the household.

It's violent, yes.

But it's the way of life here.

Before now, I always thought Roman was the most incredible person ever.

And that the government loved and cared for us.

But I was wrong.

Very wrong.

And as I watched the chariot race away, millions of thoughts filled my head.

I saw Han stick her head out of the window, and look up at me. And I saw tears.

I looked at the rooftops of all the buildings I've come to know.

With courage I stepped out of my hiding place.

And jumped.

• Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone • By: Booksbyev •Where stories live. Discover now