Grumpy!Blue x Reader🤍❤️‍🔥

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Art by RWGN on deviantart^

Thank you @Hashabaipq for requesting, hope you like it :D
(praying that I wrote your name right😅)

Proofread:Yes. (I cringed so hard help me)

You and Blue have already met and they seemed to be interested in you, specifically how you weren't immediately scared of them the first time you saw Blue, you were interested in him.
You are a fighter, and you survived all of the nights at that cursed place. Blue has never felt this way for a human before, it's weird and sudden for him. So right now, they need time to think.

{Y/n POV}
I have been looking for blue all day long, but I still can't seem to find him anywhere.
"Oh, Purple? Have you seen Blue around here?"
"I'm afraid not, what is the matter human?"
"I can't find them and it's starting to worry me... Maybe he is mad at me?"
In my eyes, Blue was like my best friend, and thinking that he most likely is angry at me or even hates me.
My eyes stinged, a warning.
"No, I do not believe that Blue is mad at you, I think your appearance here was like the ordinary feedings, but I saw that he acted differently in your presence, they are likely to be attracted to you in some way.
I can help you find them if you wish."
A wave of relief washed over me and I let out a breath I didn't know I held in. Relaxing myself, I thanked Purple and accepted his offer.
"I will alert you from the nearest vent if I find Blue, listen for scraping metal."
"Okay, i'll look that the right side of the building and you look at the left, does that sound good?"
We parted ways and went on the search for Blue.

time skip~

I was exhausted, like, dead. All of the rooms and hallways I checked resulted in nothing. I sat down and decided to take a break for a little while.

{??? POV}
"Blue, we need to talk."
"You have to stop avoiding Y/n, you are hurting them. I can sense an aura around them and it worsens over time, you have to talk to them."
"No. I don't want to. They make me confused."
"Atleast show yourself to them, they have searched for hours at this point."
"For me...?"
"Good luck."
The two separated, one disappearing in the vents and the other waltzing out the door, slightly nervous and worried.

{Y/n POV}
I woke up, slightly dizzy, but got on my feet and steadied my slightly aching legs. A horrid sound hit my ears and I covered them, trying to turn down the sound.
"Please stop whoever you are."
The sound stopped and out came a much more soothing sound.
"Y/n, It's me. Come here."
'I ALMOST FORGOT! Goddamnit how stupid can I be?'
I looked around and saw a vent a few steps away from me and inside was sitting a familiar purple monster.
"Crap, sorry, I forgot. Did you find them?"
"Yes, he is heading this way right now."
"WHAT? Oh god okay."
"I talked some sense into him and he is ready to see you again, but be slow and gentle, they are experiencing some inner turmoil."
"Got it, thank you so much Purple!"
"No problem, call me when you need help."
And so, Purple left with a few hushed thuds, leaving you alone with your thoughts on how to approach Blue.
You got up and looked around, hoping to see your favourite mascot, but to no avail.
You sat back down, pondering on if you should confront them about the worrying attitude or just talk to him.
'Like Purple said, I shouldn't come on too hard, I'll just talk to him for a little while and hopefully Blue will warm up to me again.'
A light tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality, looking up at my disturber, the bright blue startled me for a second.
Getting up I smiled at Blue.
"Hey, how are you?"
"Hi... I am okay."
"Thats great! Do you want to talk about something or?"
"I think so."

{Blue POV}
I grumbled quietly, thinking if it really was the best idea to tell Y/n what's going on.
I trembled, supressing my anger and exhaled loudly.
"Y/n, please help me. I don't know what is going on with me..."
They looked worried, their facial expressions shifting into a frown, I HATED how they looked when they were sad.
"Of course I will help you, what's wrong?"
"I have these these feelings inside me, I cannot understand why they are there every time I am close to you, it's like... it's like I like you.
I think I love you."
Immediately, their expression changed from worried to flustered in a split second, their eyes widened and their mouth hanged slightly agape.
"I- oh- uhm- hold on a minute."
They looked away from me and covered their face,
'How do they look even more pretty even when they hide their face, HOW?'
I just stared at them,
'So beautiful...'

{Y/n POV}
Internally screaming, my heart did a backflip and turned upside down.
"I uhm- I love you too, Blue."
I could feel him staring, and that just made everything worse.
"Can I kiss you?"
Alright, thats it. I will dissipate on the spot and never come back.
"Please look at me..."
I exhaled and fanned myself with my hand, slowly raising up my head to look at Blue. He himself was a little pink on the cheeks, but that seemed like nothing compared to my now-red face.
He slowly bent down to my level and I finally met his eyes.
It was agonisingly slow, but when my lips touched his, I melted into it and held their hand gently.
As I leaned back for air, we looked at eachother again, and I could feel a spark jolt through me - love.
I smiled like a little child and giggled a little, giving Blue a peck on his cheek and gesturing for him to sit down with me.
We sat together, and just enjoyed the quiet.
"Hey Blue, do you want to tell the others about us, since we are, yknow- official now?"
He grumbled and crossed their arms, pouting like a child.
"No way. They will make fun of us, especially Orange."
"Oh come on, it's not that bad, besides, if you are so shy then I can do it myself!"
I stifled a laugh and looked at him, he seemed pissed.
"I am not shy."
"Then why won't you tell the others, they are your friends after all."
He mumbled something under his breath and groaned in annoyance, huffing like a bull.
"Okay mister grumpy-pants, let's go."
"I am not going"
I sighed and crawled onto his lap, hugging him and murmured to him.
"If we aren't going, then we're not. I can't fight you, but for now I want to sleep."

{Narrator POV}
Blue looked at the human longingly, before succumbing to their own sleep in the midst of the colourful streaks on the walls and painted trees.

It was peaceful now, just like he wished for.

Okayyy I got this done way quicker than I expected it to, but I'm proud.
I realised halfway that I just wrote a little angst that morphed into fluff in a few seconds, I apologise if it didn't seem as if I met the conditions for this oneshot, but I still hope you liked it :D
Tysm for requesting @Hashabaipq and everyone who read this, have a fantastic day/night!
1252 words

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