She kissed me..

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Hero POV

I wake, trapped in darkness. What is this place? Heaven..No..I don't deserve to go there..Am I even alive??

I can hear people outside-it's beeping..? No..wait- is that Mav..?? I try to focus on it, hearing only a little bit. I then feel his lips on mine, softly gasping.

I then feel his hands pushing down on my chest, hurting a bit.

He keeps repeating this, making me wonder what he's doing..when I feel myself wake more. I suddenly open my eyes, sitting up and coughing. Gasping for air and looking around,

I grab his hands, seeing tears running down his cheeks. It's rare to see them cry..I try to grab their chin,bringing them down to me. I then do something I never would do. Kiss him.

Our lips connecting with enough passion and fire, it would make anyone gasp. I don't think about the consequences, just about them. I then pull away after a while, blushing completely red.

"I'm sorry..I just..I.." I try to make an excuse, not finding any. So I just lower my head and look at my hands.

Villain POV

I'm completely shocked. So fucking shocked. My girlfriend of a few months just kissed me. The time bubble had popped, everyone who had entered the room shocked, my whole disguise disappearing.

"Nim..." I whisper. My mind races of things to do. Should I bring them home with me..? Should I leave..? Wipe their memories?

I keep thinking, deciding it would be better to take Nim home. Memories could come back. I could be caught. Taking her means I could do anything, spend all the time with her.

I pick her up, undoing the machines, the doctors starting to scream at me.
"Careful, babe.. Hold on tightly.." I whisper again, jumping out the window, holding her tightly, feeling their chest squish against mine.

Hero POV

I hear their whispers, I feel their disgusted looks. I know they'll see me as a traitor now.. they'll probably use me for them now..

I hold on tightly, smiling softly. I bury my face into his chest, their scent and touch lulling me to sleep. I love him so much.. I just hope I won't have to do anything to hurt him..

Villain Pov

As soon as we get there, I lay them down. I'm sorry, Nim.. I apologize for most likely ruining your life. Doesn't matter, when you wake, I'll forget about it. You always make my mind go slower, or blank.

I make your favorite foods, get your favorite drinks, and all Nim's sweaters and blankets, making them a little nest on the bed, glad that it's an Alaskan king bed, not one of those small ass beds.

I kinda hope we can do more than just cuddle.. They don't know where we are. Thankfully.

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