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Samael's Backstory

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*

.•: " Until we meet again... " :•.

Born out of stars and dust, Samael, first known as The Prince (of Angels), was the first child of Volana; god of death, change, and rebirth. Its early life was spent learning their ways, watching as they cared for the formless souls of early Avirath.

He observed the lovers, Osirisk and Ehno, seeing how they cared for each other above all else. How their love ruined them when they were forced apart by Thedea. He spent time with the goddess Rhea, her love and delight as she watched the formless souls and abstract concepts take shape. She was the first to greet them, and despite Volana's wishes, she brought Samael with her.

It didn't understand the appeal of the bumbling creatures at first. They spoke in simple archaic tongues and couldn't even perceive its form, it seemed to upset them. So, he was hidden from them, taken back to his world between worlds with his new brothers and sisters who all suffered the same fate.

He realized soon that he was quite unlike his brothers and sisters. There were very few that expressed interest in getting to know the human children. They were satisfied watching over them, they didn't want to be seen, nor did they want their presence to be known by anyone other than their god. Samael wasn't satisfied and it wanted to watch them grow, it wanted to grow with them. Rhea made a habit of taking Samael with her when she would visit to bless what they had begun calling humans under the guise of feeling lonely on her travels. They couldn't let the gods know their plans; to let him walk among the humans as one.

They were, despite their best efforts, discovered by Delilah who was enraged by her sister's secrecy. She should've trusted her with something so wonderful. Out of anger, she was the first to give form to one of her children. They called him Morning Star and he was beautiful. The humans loved him, and the angels experienced something they would later call envy. Though, there was one who's envy never blossomed, instead, he was enamored. Drawn to his beauty and light, Samael fell in love.

Soon after, the other gods had joined in, giving shape to their children and blessing some with the ability to see the humans. Still, none were as beautiful as Morning Star. His form was breathtaking, yes, but his soul was unlike any other. But Samael was still a formless angel, his punishment for upsetting Delilah and lying to Volana, he couldn't dare approach something so wonderful.

On the special day where all the angels were allowed to visit the humans freely, Samael was of the last to go. He was repulsed by his form, knowing that his selfishness had led to a life where he could not cherish the lives of humans alongside them. That day he wept and that day a human saw an angel for the first time. In the trees and grass, the murmur of the river and hum of the insects. She felt the love of the cosmos around her and knew her undying worth. She was a leader.

On that same day Samael was seen, it was found. Morning Star heard his cries and gave a part of himself to bring form to the prince. And just like Star, it was beautiful.

Entwined in body and soul, the two fell in love. Together they guided the humans to new discoveries and in turn themselves. Though, when word reached Delilah that her own creation had brought shape to the one whose selfishness pushed her sister to deceit, their world began to split in two.

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