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Due to the fact that Samael can sense when someone's life is close to ending along with any pain they may be experiencing, he likes to spend his time in graveyards or abandoned buildings where there tend to be very few people. He can also exist in forms that are more comfortable to him there, and not have to hide in his human form.

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Though often depicted with scythe by humans, Sam uses a double-bladed sword, as a scythe felt a little too on the nose and he wanted something more balanced. Though, he rarely has to use his weapon unless he's dealing with the more unruly types who like to think they could beat death in a foot race or hand-to-hand combat.

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All angels have a Familiar that they are given responsibility of when in the earthly realms, this is to ensure that they are fit to watch over humans by giving them a simple caretaking task. While most angels chose to keep their Familiar in their Mindscape after passing the test, some may choose to keep theirs with them, such as Samael. Leota, Sami's Familiar, is a Leopard Growl, a mythical creature with the features of a leopard, griffin, and owl. She's typically only a little larger than a house cat but can be the size of full grown leopard.

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Sam loves all sweets except for sugar cookies. Absolutely detest them unless they're those Christmas ones with the big sugar crystals. It not sure why those are the only exception but they're it's favorite Christmas sweet right after Burbon Balls.

- - - - .•: 05 :•. - - - -

Most Cherubim only have two sets of wings but being a power cherubim, Samael has three sets. Though, as a punishment, he was given the wings of his lover and ended up with four. He often gets mistake for a Seraphim which is punishment in itself as Seraphim are known to be loved and celebrated by the gods, something Sami is not.

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The markings all over him are not allowed to covered up when in his devine forms, and must be visible for all to see. Every time Sam takes a life directly, a new line is added or one is made longer depending of how strong the soul of the human was. They basically act a sign that tells other angels and daemons that Samael disobeyed or upset the gods in some way.

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- - - - .•: 07 :•. - - - -

He absolutely adores children but can become very shy in their presence, scared that they may sense what he is. They typically never do, as children are, by order of the Archangels, to be oblivious to the presence of such high powers as it could be overwhelming and make the job of even the lowest ranked angels difficult. Sam will often join Geordi at her daycare job where he's typically put in charge of playing with them and keeping them distracted as she sets up activities or cleans up the room.

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Though he is interested in many things, Sam doesn't have much time for hobbies. When it does have time, it'll most often be found trying to learn the rules to a board game or drawing maps of some of its favorite fictional worlds. His largest and most complex map is of a fictional word called "Dyne" from his favorite book series, Scythe. It is "patiently" awaiting the release of the next book.

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Samael really likes hugs or just being touched in general. It's mostly used to people avoiding him so even the slightest touch can mean a lot to it. Hugs are just his favorite or when people mess with his hands (where the warning marks are most prominent). While the first few times may make it cry, it'll eventually take to returning the sentiment with about 10x the enthusiasm.

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In his human form, Samael is often around 5'1 or 5'3 while his devine forms can be taller than the highest skyscraper. Typically, it keeps its height contained between 5'5 and 6'5 since it's more practical and being as tall as a skyscraper defeats the purpose of keeping himself hidden.

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While most humans cannot see angels when in their devine forms, certain people may be allowed to see them by order of the Archangels. It may be for the benefit of the angel/daemon as some cannot separate themself from their Charge (the humans that an angel or daemon is given for a certain task: removing shadows, protection, pleasure, etc.) or for the benefit of the human. A human can also develop their magic (if they possess such abilities) to see angels and daemons in their devine forms. Other than that, angels and daemons will only appear to a human if they want to be seen, except for low level angels and certain types of daemons.

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Regarding an angels Mindscape, they can allow access to other angels but also humans if they so choose. The only down side is that the human is unable to bring their physical body into the Mindscape and therefore could potentially put their body in danger. Time also works differently in the Mindscape as sometimes days could pass in the real world when it only felt like minutes, or hours could pass in the Mindscape only for no time at all to have passed in reality. There is no solid way to guess which will happen, thus making it dangerous for humans as even a few minutes too long could potentially result in their death if there was no one there to nourish their physical body. This would also leave their soul trapped in the Mindscape, unable to leave.

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