Hunter 🍓

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It'd been two years since you'd let Hunter take you on a date. This truly was your happy ever after. You'd fought in the war, stayed dedicated to the Jedi order and survived the death of your people. This was your reward. Every morning you got to wake up to your husband who you'd only been married to for 3 months. Though, you'd been sharing a bed for much longer than 3 months. In a way, it was a benefit of the Jedi all dying, that you were now free to marry. Sometimes optimism wasn't always particularly appropriate, especially when talking about the order.

Like most days, you trained your padawans. Avix had made much progress in the past 2 years. It'd been aided by the discovery of an ancient holy site. It wasn't Jedi and was nowhere near as complex as the ancient temples, but it had a strong connection to the force. Although he hadn't passed the proper Jedi trials, he'd faced himself in those cave walls and you had decided to consider him a full knight. It was mostly because you now had a whole clan of younglings at an age where they needed to be taken on as padawans. You'd taken on 3 as your own and two were being trained by your former padawan.

The two remaining younglings went to school full time with the others but you pulled your padawans out. On days you taught at the school, you'd set tasks and missions for your group to complete. You were only 22 at this point and were already on your second, third and fourth padawans. Hunter certainly helped with the stress that came. He and Omega had moved in to your home permanently about 7 months after you met them. The human girl was so excited to share a room with her mirialan friend, Hetty.

Currently, you were having Hetty, Rena and Cain spar. Winner stays on. The one with the most wins got to have the comfy chair at dinner time. It was silly, but Rena and Cain didn't need much motivation to fight and Hetty enjoyed how cool she looked. You were watching them as you felt Hunter trying to silently sneak up on you. Sometimes he was successful, but most times you could feel him coming. Still, you let him come to you and wrap his arms around your waist. He brought his chin to your shoulder, as he always did, and kissed your cheek.

You hummed happily and turned in his hold. "What's a handsome man like you doing in a place like this?" He may've been your husband but you couldn't help but flirt with him still. You draped your arms around his neck and couldn't help but grin up at him. Growing up a Jedi, you never thought you'd get to have this kind of a future. Yet, here you were. In his arms, with him looking down at you as if you were the only thing that mattered to him in the galaxy. "I wanted to see my beautiful wife." He brought a finger to your cheek and brushed it so lightly that you could hardly feel anything outside of the slight movement of the tiny hairs on your cheek. You leaned your head so that your cheek smushed against his fingers and he chuckled a little. "My beautiful, needy wife." A word he'd used to describe you before, though rarely around others. Before you could think to retaliate, he left a soft kiss against your lips. It was short and sweet.

"Rena." You warned. You didn't have to turn your back to know someone was doing something but you were too caught up in Hunter in that moment.
"I didn't even do anything." The human girl protested.
"Sorry. Force of habit. Hetty, behave!" Cain started laughing at Rena and in return she yanked at the kiffar boy's hair. Hetty continued to make noises of disgust and kept pretending to vomit. You sighed and let go of Hunter as you turned to face them. "If you three keep this up, then nobody's going to get the comfy chair." They quickly stopped and apologised not forgetting to call you Master. You sent them off to eat and take a break and then you felt Hunter return to holding you. "I can't wait for us to have one of our own." He started to leave a small cluster of kisses on your shoulder as his chest left your back a little. You'd been trying to plan something a little special but the force was on your side. Now was the perfect opportunity. "Not even 48 weeks?"
"I thought pregnancy lasted 56 weeks." He said, with a bit of suspicion slipping into his voice. He wasn't wrong, though the first 3 weeks were before conception even happened. "It does." You couldn't help being a little smug as you felt him come to the realisation of what you meant. You turned again so that you were facing him for when he realised. "You mean?" You could see him trying to keep his excitement at bay until you confirmed it. Which you did with an excited nod. He grabbed you by the hips and spun you around as you clung around his neck. "We're having a baby." He announced to you with a smile that could outshine the brightest star. You could always count on him to have the best reactions to news. Especially news that you'd come together to make a tiny human. You hadn't expected the reaction to continue to him putting you down, kissing your unchanged stomach and mumbling something against it. "Y'know, baby can't hear you yet." You teased the man on one knee before you. Just like when he'd proposed to you. He looked up at you and shook his head a little. He was still smiling. "She can hear her daddy just fine." He left another kiss before standing back up and giving you another one on the lips. "Now, let's get you some food, ner mesh'la riduur." He took your hand and lead you back to the house. He hadn't been the best cook when you met but he quickly learnt and became a domestic god in no time. Taking care of a home and children suited him very well.

He started making you a plate of food and tried to give you an even bigger portion than normal. "Hunter. I can't eat that much." You whined but he still set the plate down in front of you and but his hands on his hips. "Half of it's for our ad'ika."
"Our ad'ika is smaller than my kyber crystal." You sighed, knowing you wouldn't win. You'd handled a group of rowdy younglings but he'd been the one in charge of his brothers. He had a lot more experience at this than you did. "Exactly, how's she going to become a powerful Jedi like her mummy if we don't feed her?" You didn't finish your plate and Hunter didn't insist on it. Instead he sat next to you and held you into him as you ate. You felt him rub a thumb over your belly as he mumbled to himself. "Ner aliit."

When you asked him later what it meant, he said aliit meant family. Something you were now expanding together.

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