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It was dark and Tae wasn't back yet, Jimin was freaking the fuck out. Tae promised he'd be back by dark and that he'd be okay. But it was dark and he still wasn't there. Jimin had never wanted to leave the cave so bad in his entire existence, if that fucking village did something to his soulmate he'll bring this entire mountain down so that he can leave and he'll burn that whole village to the fucking ground.

He was just thinking of the schematics of how he'd pull it off when he heard the rustling of footsteps fast approaching. He's a demon so he could see in the dark but they weren't close enough yet, but it sounded like more than one person. This couldn't be good, his other soulmate was sleeping inside their cave. He was getting ready to defend Addy with his life when he heard Tae gasp out that they were almost there.

"TAE," he yelled.

"MIN!" Tae yelled back, "almost there," he gasped.

Jimin waited and not even a minute later Tae crashed through the trees with an older woman in tow. They were both out of breath and dirty, "who is this?"

"Shuri, Lucy's mom." They were still panting and worry was etched all over the woman's face. "Shuri, this is Jimin my soulmate."

The demon was a little shocked, being gay was a sin punishable by death and here he was just announcing it like it was nothing. "They are asleep inside if you want to see Lucy." Shuri nodded her head as she walked past the demon to get to her daughter, "you are late," he gritted out, "I had to make Addy fall asleep because she was so nervous and it was freaking Lucy out."

"I know, I'm sorry. I went to see my mom and then I made my way to Shuri's house. They had her under house arrest and she wanted to pack a few things. Then we needed to make sure that we weren't followed so it took us a little longer to get here. I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to make you so worried."

Jimin leaned forward, their chests pressed against each other as he looked up into Tae's eyes. "Don't ever do that again, please," he whispered the last part with tears in his eyes. "I was so scared."

Tae needed to kiss him, needed him to know that he was here, he was fine, and nothing would stop them from being together. Addy may be on the fence, but Tae was jumping in head first and ready to go. This was his soulmate and he'd upset him, so he was going to do whatever to make him feel better and assured that he's there and with him safely.

Their lips came together, moving in tandem as they lost themselves in each other. Time didn't matter, the fact that Tae was gone all day didn't matter, it was just them in that moment. "I wish Addy was here," Jimin whispered against Tae's lips.

"I know," he whispered back as he fixed some of the demon's hair behind his ear, "I do too, she'll get there, eventually, I promise."

"I hope so," Jimin sighed as he leaned into Tae more needing to feel him to ensure that he was actually there and safe.

They stayed that way for a bit, just breathing each other in before they made their way inside wanting to check on the girls. Addy and Lucy were passed out together in the bed and Shuri was sitting there petting Lucy's hair softly as she looked at her daughter. "She's really safe," she was trying so hard not to sob not wanting to wake her sleeping baby. "I can't thank you enough." 

Jimin looked at the mother, the one that thought she'd lost her daughter today and did lose her husband. "I'm not what they claim me to be, I've never hurt anyone in my entire life but myself. Every year when your ridiculous village sends a girl to me I give them the choice to go back or go to another village where they will be loved. They always choose the other village. So I escort them there safely and they live happily ever after."

Jimin didn't sleep any that night, he sat down on the couch with Tae's head in his lap as the younger snored away quietly. When it was time, he woke everyone up and got them fed. They all wanted to make the walk to drop Shuri and her daughter off. It was the same man from the time that he was supposed to bring Addy to him.

"Eagon," he said with his teeth clenched together.

"Jimin," he bowed back with respect, "I'm here to escort the girl to the village, we already have a family that is willing to take her in."

"That won't be necessary, her mother is here."

Eagon looked at the mother and smiled, "then we will find you a place to stay, it might take a while but you are more than welcome to stay in my home. I can stay with a friend until we can get you better accommodations."

"I wanted to talk to you a bit Eagon if you have a moment?" The man looked a little shocked but nodded his head for Addy to continue. "I wanted to know about the other village, the one that's like a week away. If Tae and I go there, would he be welcomed?"

Tae was practically vibrating with anger, how dare she, how could she want to leave Jimin? "That won't be necessary, we are staying here Adalind," he gruffed out before pulling her back and pushing her into Jimin's arms, "Shuri and Lucy, I hope your new home brings you many happy memories. I hate to cut this short, but I need to speak with my soulmate."

Then he pushed his two soulmates a bit so they'd begin the walk back to their home. None of them said a word and Tae's anger had started to stew a bit. When they made it back to the living room, Tae pointed for her to sit down. Jimin followed her, wanting to offer some support since he had no idea exactly what was going on.

"Do you love me?"

Addy frowned, a bit confused by the question. "You know I do Tae."

"Then why did you try to leave?"

She sighed, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. Like she was trying to make herself smaller, "I don't know. We can't just stay here, Jimin has soulmates and I don't want to get in the way."

Tae started to laugh, he wrapped his arms around his stomach as he bent over practically howling with laughter. "I knew you were a bit dense but I didn't realize it was to this extreme." He stood up and walked over to his soulmates, he grabbed one of Jimin's hands and one of Addy's, "how could you not have realized it yet?"

"Realized what Tae?"

"WE are his soulmates you idiot."

Addy gasped, her head snapping back and forth between Tae and Jimin, Jimin looked shocked and Tae looked a little smug. "You are lying."

"In all of our years together have I ever, even once, lied to you?"

He hadn't and that meant that right now he was telling the truth, or at least what he believes to be the truth. She looked at Jimin. "This is for real? We are your soulmates?"

"Well it's not how I wanted you to find out, but yes you two are my soulmates."

She bit her lip as she thought for a second, "so this means you'll be able to leave this cave at some point?"

He nodded his head, scooting just a bit closer to her, "if you guys fall in love with me then yes, I'll be able to leave." He looked down at her free hand and he reached for it, "so please don't leave. Please let me try for your love. If it doesn't happen, I won't make you stay, I promise. But give me a year. If in a year you still don't have any feelings for me you can go, guilt free."

Tae scoffed but with one look from Jimin he sighed and agreed.

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