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"But there's no..."

"Tae, do you want me to keep reading or not?"

"Sorry," he whispered as he squeezed Jimin's arm a little harder. "I'll be good."

The demon turned his head a bit to kiss the top of Tae's head, he froze after he did it praying that the human didn't realize it. He cleared his throat and kept reading. "Her brother was now worried for another reason. If his sister kept rejecting courters, then eventually the village elders would get upset and would force a marriage on her. He didn't want that for his sister, he wanted her to be happy always."

"He sounds like such a good brother."

"He was, keep listening," Jimin added softly. "So he went to the towns witch and asked for something that no one had ever asked for. He wanted to find a way to make his sister happy, so that she could find her happily ever after with someone, anyone."

"What happened next?"

Jimin huffed, not really annoyed more endeared than anything, "I'm about to tell you silly." He turned the page and began reading again, "the witch said that if the brother wanted his sister to have her happily ever after he'd have to make a great sacrifice. To which he readily agreed. He'd do anything to make her happy.

"What happened?" Tae gasped.

"He was sacrificed, much like your village does now. But his sacrifice gave his sister something that had never happened before. A soulmate, her man on the moon became real and they married and had kids."

Tae sat up, "he killed himself for his sister?"

Jimin cocked his head to the side, "in a way, yes. And because of that, village elders started to sacrifice young adults to get things they wanted. That's why your village started to sacrifice maidens when the winters got too long and people began to starve."

"But they said the winters did get shorter, that it worked."

"They did not, the winters have and will always be the same amount of time give or take 30ish days. People will always choose to believe what they want to believe."

Tae's head cocked to the side a bit, his bottom lip jutted out in a pout. "So soulmates aren't real?"

"What makes you say that," he asked as he pulled Taehyung closer to him.

"People believe what they want to believe. So she didn't actually get a soulmate?"

"Tae no, that's not what I meant at all." Jimin squeezed him harder, "the only way to get a soulmate is for a witch to make you one. Like with my curse or for the brother. She got her soulmate because a witch was involved. Her brother didn't have to die, that witch just didn't know any better. I mean I'm still here and I have two soulmates."

"But how do you know someone didn't die to get you those two soulmates?"

Jimin sighed a bit, "well, I guess you have me there. But I feel like at least the last witch would have told me that was a requirement." He shuffled a bit, getting out from under Taehyung. "Let's go see if Addy is hungry, she's been in there for a while now."

Tae nodded his head and slowly made his way to the bedroom, Jimin went to heat the food from earlier back up. He didn't know why what Tae said was bothering him so much. She wouldn't have killed someone just to give him a soulmate, surely not. The two humans came out not long after, one rubbing her eyes and yawning and the other looking far sadder than Jimin would have liked.

They ate, the only sound you could hear was the fire and the scraping of the spoon against the bowls that were in front of them. He couldn't take it anymore, as soon as he finished eating he cleaned his bowl and started working on their blankets. He's gotten fairly fast over the years and he usually can whip one out in a few hours. So that's what he did, he focused all of his energy on making them their own blankets.

"I think I upset him," Tae whispered to Addy quietly as they laid in the demon's bed.

"Why do you think that?"

Tae sighed a bit, trying to get all the thoughts that were swirling around in his head to make sense. "Well he was reading me a story earlier and I kept implying that soulmates weren't real, now he's not speaking and just crocheting something."

"First off," she smacked him on the back of the head, "you are an idiot."

"Never denied that one."

"How can you say that soulmates aren't real when you've been shouting that I'm yours every five minutes?"

"I didn't think about that, it's just it didn't make sense what he was telling me."

Addy sat up and looked down at Tae, his hair was an absolute mess and it made her smile as she brushed it back. "So he reads you something from a book so old you can't even read the language yourself and you take it as gospel? Tae I didn't realize you were that dumb."

He grinned a bit, "you've always known that I was dumb. Don't act all superior now."

She flopped back down on the bed next to him, "you are right. But you should still apologize to him. He was nice enough to keep us here, where it's safe Tae. You can't go spitting on his beliefs just because they don't make sense to you."

"Fine, I will, I'll-" There was a knock at the door that made Tae pause what he was saying. There standing in the doorway was Jimin, holding two blankets and looking almost shy.

"I wasn't sure what your favorite colors were, but here," he handed them both blankets and then practically ran out of the room.

"He made us blankets?"

Tae nodded his head as his long fingers reached out to pet the blanket in front of him, "he did."

"That was so sweet of him."

"I told you he was cute," Tae mused.

Addy rolled her eyes, "what does being cute have to do with sweet? I swear Tae you think with your dick more than your brain."

Tae's eyebrows wagged up and down and his grin turned into the boxy one she loved so much. "Thinking about my dick are you?"

"And I'm out," she grumbled as she bundled up in the blanket that Jimin made her and made her way out into the living room where the demon was sitting staring at the fire. "I'm going to kill him," she said as she sat down roughly on the couch next to the demon.

"Yeah?" He smiled a bit, "what did he do this time?"

"He keeps talking about how cute you are. I'm tempted to just lock you two in a room so he can jump you and get it out of his system."

Jimin choked on his spit a bit, his eyebrows going up as his eyes went wide, "what?"

She didn't even notice his shock, she just kept at it, "but knowing that horny bastard, once wouldn't be enough. I'd probably have to lock you in there for a week to get him completely drained."

"I-I, uh."

"Aaaadddddyyyyyyyy," Tae whined, "you are embarrassing him. Look how uncomfortable he is, he's practically red all over."

She turned to look at the sputtering demon. He didn't look like he was breathing as he waved his hands in the air. "He's fine, if he can't handle a little sex talk then he'll never survive around you." She pointed at Tae. "The first time he popped a boner and played with himself, he came to tell me all about it immediately after. Like we were 14 and he told me in excruciating detail of how he jerked off until he came all over his bedding and how he had to get back home and wash it before his mom found it."

"Why would you tell her that?"

Tae shrugged, "she's my soulmate, I thought she'd want to know."

"Tae," she said as she smacked her hand over his mouth, "I want to know about you playing with yourself as much as you'd want to hear about my period."

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