7. Not guilty

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(As the School Bell Rings we see the cafeteria, completely empty and a bunch of kids at the vending machine heck there's a long line)

Girl - We've Been In This Line For A Long Time.

(Very soon word got out and kids started leaving with their parents)

Parent - Did You Hear The News That The Cafeteria's Poisoned?

"I'm just gonna take a lucky guess and say the word got out" Charlie asked " yeah it did" Violet said

Parent - Let's Go.

Parent - We Are Leaving Right Now.

Parent - There Is No Way I'm Keeping You In This School.

(In the nurses office as nurse Betty looks exhausted a bunch of Students Hurling everywhere in fact There's so many kids in that office at some of them were sitting on the floor standing with their back wall)

Everyone who wasn't there was shocked at what they saw "Bloody hell" Ron said

(As violet rushed into the restaurant, where Taylor, Kate and Paige we're sitting at a table)

Kate - What took you so long?

Violet - you'll never believe what I heard

Paige - What

Violet - 15 Students Left Ipswich on my way out and 10 students left this morning and Principal Littman Is Freaking Out.

Paige - My Mom Wants To Pull Me Out Too.

Kate - She Can't Do That! I Won't Let Her.

"really" pogue said

Paige - How Sweet!

Kate - If You Leave I Won't Have Anyone To Pick On!

"there it is" Reid causing to hit him on his arm "ow"

Paige - (as Paige grabbed a cup of sauce on the table and was prepared to throw it on Kates outfit.) Take It Back!

Kate -Okay! Okay!

Taylor - I Still Think It's Tyler.


Girls - It's Not Tyler.

"Thank you"

Taylor - Okay, Okay. It's Not Tyler

Kate - Who's Next? (Violet and Paige looks down at the suspect list that was in violets hands)

Violet, Paige - Emily.

(As the girls walked into Emily's room)

Kate - Wow. This Is Not What I Expected.

Violet - You Just Never Really Know A Pen Until You Break Into Their Room.

Paige - Well, Except For Tyler.

Taylor - Yeah, That Was Exactly What We Expected. Let's Do This he even had a picture of—

"NO" Tyler causing Caleb, Pogue, Reid started to laugh leaving violet and Kate confused

Violet - please no, I don't wish to know let just start looking please so we can get out of here (as the girls start looking under the bed in the closet and in the drawers)

Kate - Can't Find Anything.

Taylor - Me Neither.

Kate - I Wish Our Rooms Were This Nice. (As the door quickly open to reveal Emily)


Emily - What Are You Guys Doing? This Is My Room.  You're Looking In My Room. No Way! You Think It's Me? I Can't Believe It! You Actually Think I'd Do Something Like That?

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