The Time was WW2!

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Hello again, my friends! Let us begin!

It's obvious that the countries of Hetalia fought in the World Wars directly. By directly, I mean they fought with their soldiers. The countries usually do this, they have been throughout all of history. For example, the American Revolution.

For America, his favorite way to fight in the World Wars was by plane. Just the feeling of being in the air felt right. He felt free like a bird. He was like a superhero, who was flying through the air to save the day.

But the best part is, he didn't have to see the people he was killing die.

None of the nations wanted to consider themselves killers, but in truth they were. Alfred hated the fact that he had to murder, no matter who it was. It didn't feel right to end lives. But for the sake of war, he agreed to do it. But he didn't want to see their faces and blood.

Now, as an American bomber pilot, he was in just as much danger as the ground troops. There was dangers of being caught in something, getting shot down, or the plane malfunctioning. In fact, those pilots had less of a chance of living than some ground troops. It was a hard job.

When you were a bomber, you went behind enemy lines. Several times. Every mission you did on those planes, you had less and less of a chance for survival. They say, no one in the squads could make it pass 25 missions before they died. Those boys knew it, too. They knew that at any day, they could die.

Oh, just imagine how terrible Alfred must've felt when he was the only person to come home.

As a country, he couldn't die if he wanted to. He saw his friends die, over and over again, in heaps of fire and metal. None of them made it passed 25 missions.

But of course, America did.

He went on as many missions as possible, and he came back every time. But they didn't, only him.

To this day. Alfred hates the number 25. Because no one in his bomber squads could get passed that damn number.

He also keeps his bomber jacket, to remind himself of everyone who sacrificed themselves for him. And remind him of everyone he couldn't save.

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