Chapter 21

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Jack: Before we continue on to the next viewing let's bring in some more people

Blake: Really? Who is it?

Jack: smirks Your sort of Boyfriend
(I'm a fan of either Blake x Sun or Ruby x Blake 🙂 please don't judge me people)

Blake blushes as in a flash Team SSSN and Theodore appears in the room looking rather confused as to where they are.

Sage: Huh? Where are we?

Scarlet: Sun is this your doing?

Sun: Stop blaming me for every time something happens!

Neptune: Well you are the one who gets us into trouble most of the time

Sun: No I'm not!

Theodore: That's enough, and I'm sure Mr Wukong had nothing to do with it

Sun: See! Even Headmaster Theodore agrees with me

Scarlet: Yeah, yeah rolls his eyes

Jack: coughs into his hand getting their attention If you guys are done? We can start?

Neptune: Who are you?

Jack: Name's Jack, and I'll be your Host for the time being

Theodore: And what exactly are we watching?

Jack: I'll explain

He then took some time to explain to the new arrivals everything that has happened and shown. Team SSSN and Theodore were quite disappointed in Yang, Weiss, the Beacon Staff and Ironwood as both Sun and Neptune looked at Weiss and Yang in disbelief at what they've done.

Theodore: I, may we start?

Jack: Of course

Ozpin is watching the News regarding the attack on Haven Academy, the Huntsmen and Huntresses that were part of defending the Academy were all arrested and now with the Mistral Council's approval have given both the Clone and Droid army jurisdiction to place their forces in Mistral. He also heard Vacuo has already done it, after the Clones dealt with an organization known as the Crown.

He hears the Elevator Doors open and sees Ironwood and Goodwitch enter his office.

Ironwood: I take it you've seen the News, Ozpin?

Ozpin: I have and this is very troubling. The Clones attacked Haven and killed the Headmaster.

Goodwitch: We tried asking the Clones why they did it but they refuse to do so.

Ironwood: Do you think this was to send a message, to tell us if we declare war, we will face the consequences?

Ghira: That would've been a good message to send if that were the case

Sienna: In their eyes maybe

Ozpin: It could be, after all, they didn't hesitate to kill the Huntsmen in the Academy as well as the AKs you gave them.

Ironwood: Yes, even the Spider Droids I provided weren't enough. The Clones easily took them out and killed the Atlas Officer I sent there.

Goodwitch: Any word from Theodore?

Ozpin: He messaged back just a few hours ago.

Goodwitch: And what did he say?

Ozpin: He is allying himself with the Clones and Droids, the entire staff and student body of Shade and the Huntsmen and Huntresses of Vacuo refuse to side with us and are not willing to die for this pointless cause.

Reacting to Jaune, Grand Clone Rebellion Where stories live. Discover now