Bloody Vamps

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After I shifted I decided to lie down and take a little nap. My magic would alert me of any danger and my horn was sharper than any blade or fangs. I snorted.
'I don't want to get dirty!' Rose complained in my head.
'Well then, either we kneel and rest or you can use these mighty legs to keep us upright, at a stand still for however long it takes for rescuers to arrive?' I retorted.
'Hmph, your cleaning EVERYTHING by yourself on grooming day.' She ordered before retreating to wherever she goes.

I'd been napping for quite sometime when I felt a prickle. Goose bumps down my spine made my hole coat shiver. 'Rose, what is that?'

'Dunno, get up though, now.' She answered, her usually sassy voice more serious than my mom's when she's lecturing me.

'Listen...' She whispered even though only I could hear her.

I turned my head from side to side trying to look at every possible hiding spot. I turned at a certain angle and saw a flash of white. Startled, I took a few steps back, my rear bumping a tree.
Looking around some more a twig snapped. I looked up, breathing heavy, my breath fogging in the chilly air. Suddenly, a heavenly scent filled my lungs as I felt a presence brush against mine. Looking to my side I saw a male, almost taller than me, his head level with my eye.
I saw a flash of silver, and his black hood fell. The woosh from it sending a blast of salty water and crispy air to my nose. My GODS he smelt amazing. Another twig snapped and I looked forward. A vampire stood just a few meters Infront of us, his blood red irises telling me he was hunting.

"Leave pup, this is my meal." He growled out, his pudgy face stuck in what seemed like a snarl but just looked really...gross. He had bulbous eyes and barely any hair, a dark stubble covered his neck and his flannel and dirty jeans gave him the look of a drunkard.

"No way in hell will I let you get her. This unicorn is mine." The male next to me growled out, his fangs flashing.
'Now that was H.O.T." Rose said, prancing in my head and shaking her mane. I snorted causing both vamps to look at me.

I stamped my hooves nervously. The boys piercing gaze unsettled me. He looked...icy. The vamp in front of us took a step forward and I lowered my head, pawing the ground. Nuh-uh bucko, im no one's meal...except my future mates but...yeah.
The vampire next to me took an offensive step forward. The vamp lunged, I froze him mid leap and charged just as the vamp jumped at him. My horn pierced his chest easily, sliding through bone and flesh and muscle. The vamps fist smashed through his chest before he yanked it out, a lump of flesh pierced all over with icicles. I pulled my horn out, blood dripping and falling on my face.
I dropped the body and looked at the boy. He dropped the mass of mangled flesh and looked at me. An odd expression on his handsome features.

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