Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to All of the writers to all of the other books that gave me inspiration!

"Hi" were the first words that entralled me. I was forever taken back to these memories I never experienced, but felt deep in my heart that they were meant for me.


     I dropped my styrofoam cup as my gaze shifted up. My friends jumped back as the sticky soda spilled onto the hardwood floor. "Nora, what the hell!" Stacey screamed. My focus returned to the spilled soda that was now spreading all over the dark brown hardwood. "Shit... I'm sorry Stacey I was distracted," I apologized. I ran to her kitchen and grapped some paper towels out of the cabinent. Weaving through the crowds of people, I returned back to my group of friends.

     "Guys I would of been distracted too.." Lauren giggled as she nodded her head toward the pool table. There, a boy was leaning over the table with a pool stick, aiming for a green striped ball. He had dark black hair that swept across his forehead, but couldn't hide his beautiful green eyes and his thick luscious lashes that made his eyes look brighter. He had a perfect smile that made me feel like my heart would explode. He was definitely muscular. The bottom of his shirt was rising as he leaned in closer, showing his toned stomach. "Oh shut up." I retorted as I wiped up the soda puddle. I kept glancing back at him though; a smile spread across his face as the ball sank into the hole of the pool table. "Nora, you said you would tell us everything..How do you know him?!?" Lauren persisted. As I stood back up, Stacey looked me in the eyes. "Just tell us." A Smile spread across her face, then it went back to a serious expression. "I don't know what your thinking Stacey, but seriously I don't know him." I stated. Lauren rolled her eyes and looked at Stacey. "Oh my God, how do you guys think I know him...Okay, don't answer that..." I breathed. "I just saw him at starbucks once when I was working. Nothing special, he said "Hi" and then he was gone." I exhaled. Lauren and stacey always could make me tell them everything! I sighed and looked to see if anyone had heard me outside of my friend circle.

     A couple hours passed, and I still had my attention focused on the mystery prince charming by the pool table. His laugh rang through the whole room and made my insides melt. The pool game had ended and the other player had quit on trying to beat him. "This is your chance Nora, go talk to him, or I will." Stacey whispered into my ear. "No, I-I don't think I want to be turned down yet. Maybe later, yea, later sounds better." I sarcastically murmured. I started to walk back to the kitchen, when Stacey grabbed my arm. "Oh come on," She sighed annoyingly,"...listen I'm doing you a favor." I looked at Stacey with a confused face. "She wants to play pool!" Stacey yelled at the top of her lungs. The next thing I knew, I was being pushed towards the pool table. unwillingly.

     I turned around to see his neon green eyes looking at me. "Hi" I said. I took a pool stick off of the rack and gripped it with both hands at the top of the stick. I felt awkward holding the pool stick. He looked at me and smirked, trying to hold in a laugh. "What?" I asked, pissed now. He looked at me with his hand over his mouth, cupping his lips. "Nothing." He laughed. I put my hand on my hip," what's so funny!" I asked. He looked at me this time without laughing. "Your just holding it wrong." He said normally. He walked over to my side of the table and slowly put his muscular arms around my body. He took my hands and positioned them correctly on the pool stick. "You put this one at the top." He whispered into my ear and gided my hand. "While this stays near the bottom." He moved my hands slowly as he said these last words. I felt safe in his arms, I felt like time stopped. He backed away slowly and glided back to the other side of the pool table. I breathed slowly to try to catch my breath. "Thanks." I maintained to say.

     "I really don't know how to play." I admitted as I hit the white ball into one of his striped balls. He nodded,"Yea, you suck." I could feel my mouth gape open for a split second before I responded. "And you think your the best player in this room don't you?!!" I retorted. "damn right." He said with a mysterious smile after. When I first met him, he seemed so innocent, but just from this pool match, I know that he's far from that. He bit his bottom lip as he focused on the pool ball. He looked up and caught my gaze. "You like what your looking at, want a picture?!?" He said as a smirk appeared onto his face. I exhaled loudly and could feel my cheek turning bright red. "I'm done." I said as I put the pool stick onto the table.

     I walked back to my group of friends and hit Stacey on the arm. "What was that for!" She questioned. She rubbed her arm, waiting for my reply. "Just wanted to thank you for making me go up and talk to him." I said angrily. She looked at me with an even more confused face. "He was too cocky for my liking." I said with a smile. She laughed and patted me on the back. Lauren looked over at him and bit her lip. "Maybe for you..." She said tauntingly. I gave her a shove and could feel my cheeks turn red again.

     I saw lauren's gaze change and I glanced behind myself. I saw him walking towards us confidiently with his head held high. He walked between me and stacey and looked at me up and down, showin me  his seductive smile. I crossed my arms feeling violated. "Hey girls." He said. Stacey and Lauren both smiled and waved at him. "My names Hale." He said. Lauren smiled and put out her hand, showing her bright pink nail polish. "I'm Lauren," She voiced, "That's Stacey." She pointed at Stacey who waved at him. "That's Nora." Lauren said enthuiasticly. He turned and looked at me with the smile that almost melted my insides; like before. I took out my phone and looked at the clock. "I got to go guys, I'm so tired and we have that exam tomorrow." I lied. "Tomorrow is Saturday btw and it's 8:30." She caught me red handed. I looked at all three of their faces, not knowing what to say next. "I still have to go." I stammered.

     As I headed for the door, someone stopped me. I turned around to see Hale, almost towering over me; I didn't realize how tall he was. He took my phone out of my back pocket and entered something into it. Seconds later I heard a buzz come from his back pocket. He took his phone out, then put it back in. "Now you have my number." He said happily. I knew he liked that I was annoyed by him. "Because I wanted it!??!" I asked. He looked down at me with a more serious face," Well, see you tomorrow Nora." He turned around and walked outside, then to a black mercedes. He looked back at me through the car window and smiled. Why would I be seeing him tomorrow? Hale was probably the last person I would like to see!

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