Chapter 2

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     I woke up with my messy bun half out, half still intact. I could feel my hair sticking to my pillow and and eyes barely able to open. I looked at my alarm clock; 7:30 a.m. "Whyyyy...." I fell back onto my pillow and tried to go back to sleep.

     I woke up 30 minutes later to the sound of my phones ringtone. I slided my finger over my phone to see who was texting me at 8:00 in the morning.

From: Hale:

Good Morning Beautiful.

     I put my phone back onto my nightstand and buried my head back into my pillow. My silk blanket slipped off of my legs and I felt a chill go up my spine, reaching for my blanket, I saw a new text.

From: Hale:

I can text you all day Beautiful...

     I exhaled loudly and face-planted into my pillow. All of the memories from alst night came flooding back. Hale, Stacey, Lauren, spilling the soda, pool match, and the exchanging of my number with Hale. The vibrating seemed to have grown louder as my thoughts grew more fierce. I picked up my phone and looked over his texts. They were sweet, I have to admit, but still...I could feel him smirking through the phone, as if he could see my face as I read his texts.

To: Hale:

Thanks for waking me up......btw, if you think this is your "great" way of trying to ask me out or get me to like you.......try again.

     I put my phone back on my night stand. I got up and stretched my arms out above my head and yawned slowly. I walked into the bathroom and started my daily routine. I got my crest toothpaste out and brushed my teeth; I smiled into the mirror after rinsing my mouth. After brushing my long brown waving hair, I put it into a high pony and walked back into my room. I walked over to my night stand and expected to see another text from Hale.


     I walked out into the hall and down the stairs into the kitchen. My mom was there making pancakes and sausage links, like she usually is at this time. She had sandy blonde hair and went down to her shoulder blades. She had bright blue eyes and was super tall. She turned around and flashed me her bright smile. "Good morning babydoll, want some pancakes and sausage links?" I don't know whys she even had to ask. "Of course..I could smell them from my room!" I exclaimed. 

     I sat quietly eating my pancakes and thinking about my day ahead of me. Every thought though made me think back to Hale. It's not like I wanted to think about him! I jsut did. It made me pissed for one, but it made me curious too. I finished eating and practically ran up stairs to my bedroom. I went to my bedside table and looked at my phone. Still nothing. 

     After watching the Titanic and The Notebook, I sat sobbing on the couch with tissues and chocolate next to me. I turned the tv off and grabbed a tissue. I wiped the tears that were streaming down my face. I heard the doorbell ring and I composed myself. I was wearing my PJ's from the night before still, but I didn't care. I opened the door the see nobody there. I looked around and found a black mercedes with Hale in it. I could faintly see his smile as he drove passed my house. 

     I looked down to see a dark red rose and and note on our WELCOME mat. I picked up the rose and smelled it; taking in all of it's smells and essences. I looked into the foyer to make sure my mom wasn't spying on me. I picked up the letter and ran up to my bedroom, locking my door behind me. There was a red ribbon neatly tied around the letter taht was rolled up. I untied the bow and unrolled the paper.

     Dear Nora,

I guess your not into texts?!? Me either. Personally I like notes like this....more personal I guess. Since I wrote this note out though you kind of owe me. Meet me at the new NightClub that opened last week at 8:00 tonight. See you there.



     I could feel my heart beat increase and I dropped the note. I felt the feeling I did the first night I saw him. Even though he acted tough, his gesture was still sweet. What still annoyed me, is that he talked as if there was no way I wouldn't go. So cocky and confidient...but very cute. I brushed my hands through my hair and sat down for a second. I reread the letter and put it on my desk that was on the other side of the room. I sat on my bed and debated if I was going or not. I decided to text Stacey instead of putting myself through the torture of thinking it all through myself.

To: Stacey:

I am freaking out.

I set down my phone and took out my labtop. I typed in Hale's name and pressed enter. 3,000,000,000 searches... “What's his last name...” I murmured. “Damn it.” I said outloud. I closed my computer and grabbed my phone, waiting for Stacey to reply back. Ping.

From: Stacey:

Why? xoxo

To: Stacey:

Hale texted me and now I guess I'm going to the new NightClub tonight at 8:00... I am seriously freaking the Hell out Stacey. Get your Ass over here, I need you.

From: Stacey:

On my way, I'll pick Lauren up on the way. Xoxo

I threw my phone onto my bag and walked over to my closet that was next to my desk. I opened the door and peered inside. I had 5 hours to get ready. I walked over to my mirror that hung on my wall. I looked at myself in the mirror. “Oh god” I rubbed my forehead. Stacey and Lauren better be bringing something that will help me go from this... to, well, something better.

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