Akari Lucky day 🍀

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Akari was getting ready for dinner. Her mom was taking her, she got ready and put on some blue jeans, and surprisingly it fit her Japanese big bum bum. She put on her jacket and head out to see her mom. "Are you ready?" "Yep," she smiled. As they approached the restaurant,Akari mouth started to water, they way she carved food was dangerous. When food was in sight,it was gone. They walked in a got a table. Akari felt eyes on her butt, as it was huge,she had a prefect shape butt. She was blushing and felt a little embarrassed.she tried to ignore it. When they order food, Akaris mom spoke about her accident on Valentine's Day. She been avoiding talking about it for a month but it was time, "Akari you can't be having accidents at school anymore, your gonna lose clothes especially jeans and pants,cause you know your bum bum is big. And you've known that since you were a kid. Same with your poop,it's always been extremely smelly. You are 17 you can't be doing this to yourself."
Akari now feeling even more embarrassed she replied" mom I know but for some reason it happens at the worst time possible for some reason,the bathrooms at school are locked or full and there's a line. I'm sorry" "okay I understand that but go when you have to go........actually imma give you mine work pants so you can wear it to school so nothing would happen. You'll be the luckiest person tomorrow." "Okay I hope they fit me." "I promise they will." Akari was already settling her self up for failure eating alot of chicken with alot sauce. Smash potatoes,waffle fries. Large root beer,and ofcourse to wash it down a Chocolate shake, she loves chocolate. As they got up from their booth Akari bum bum rip her jeans and anyone could see her white panty. She quickly walked out with her mom but people saw. When they got home Akari kept eating any leftovers, after eating some Ramen, and Gyoza. She finally head to bed.
It was the next morning and Akari woke up to her mom's work pants. She put them on, and her butt and thighs balloon out. She felt lucky with her white panty that were white and had a four left covering the middle that said Lucky. She got on a green sweater woth horseshoes on them. Nothing could go wrong today. But a disaster was slowly bubbly in her stomach and soon will destroy her. Akari got to school, and it wasn't fun people were giggling at her still from her accident. Most people forgot but when people do bring it up they will remember. She went up to her friends and talked for a little, as Akari turned around thry saw her massive bum bum, and complimented her, thry really liked her pants. Akari thanked them like always. As time went on nothing happened her stomach was quiet and Akari didn't think of nothing about it. Then suddenly in her 6th period class,a massive weight drop went to her bum bum Akari quenched up so quickly in her life. Her stomach rumble loudly, she started shifting in her sit. She thought to herself " wtf is happening, school  is almost over......I can't lose control again NOT TODAY!" She asked her teacher "excuse me can I use the restroom" "not yet we have a line 3 people have to go then you can after" Akari thought again " Shit....if I don't move or talk I'll be okay" and so she did. Akari didn't say a word to anyone,gas was building and it was getting painful to hold it back, but if she fart people will know its her,and her farts stink like crazy. She was sweating for her head down to her bum bum. "Akari ....you can go now....but girls are complaining there's a line at the bathroom." "Okay thank you" Akari got up quickly and rushed as she approached the bathroom. The line was long. She got anxious, and felt like walking away but she remembered she lucky today,and Akaris bum bum delt with this before. She waiting like everyone else and now there was a line building behind her. She looked and everyone face was in discomfort. Akari was bubbling inside and started to bounce a little her bum bum was shaking, she put on both hand in her crouch and prayed she didn't explode, after 7 minutes of waiting she farted loudly and small bits of explosive diarrhea came out it was slimey and it fell between her 2 big cheeks. The girls in line were horrified and covered there noses, and for the next 3 mins Akari would blow up the most silent but deadliest farts. She was out of farts now, the next thing wad straight diarrhea. She can feel more weight in her bum bum,Akari took her hands on out of her crouch and started rubbing her bum bum and she slowly began gettingnclosr and closer to the middle where her butthole was and held her two hands here. She knew what was next but didn't want to believe it,she fought the pressure so much her Japanese bum bum was extremely exhausted. But Akari was determined,but suddenly a fierce wave of pressure broke her. Akari was very red and tried to fight back but her bum bum had enough some dark orange diarrhea leak out, she clenched her bum bum even more and frankly she moved her hands deeper and tried to stop this mess from spreading. She was freaking out too much and her anxiety peak and she exploded out large amounts of dark orange diarrhea from herself, Akari thought there was a chance to stop it again but no she couldn't she. The diarrhea raced up her mom's office pants, it wouldn't stop coming,it was so mushy and liquidity. The diarrhea reached to the top of her bum bum and was centimeters away from overflowing,but then Akari clenched again and a huge massive diarrhea gushed out of her again cause her panty to break and leak down her legs. And overflowed from the top leaking down the middle (continuously),  her lucky pantys her done,her mom's pants her on the edge of ripping cause of the crazy amout of poop Akari pressed on the pants. Akari looked behind her and saw eyes wider than her ass, the girl behind her was disgusted but couldn't help to see Akari beauty and how she ruined it by pooping herself. The girl also had a big butt but she couldn't take the smell anymore it was so strong and abnormal her left and same with some people behind her.
The huge puddle that Akari was standing on looked like unfinished food from last night. She was shocked from this conclusion she thought "maybe this is why I'm pooping so much." Akari didn't know if she should walk out of school,go to the nurse "wait they don't have my pants size" or use the bathroom :that would only stink it up and eventually people would complain and eventually Admin would get involved. So she left.as she walked out she was still leaking and left a trail of orange diarrhea,she felt so embarrassed,everyone she passed looked at her massive bum bum it was orange and very visible to see what she did to herself when she got home she took off her mom's work pants and chuncks of diarrhea was in the pants they were FULL,her Lucky pantys got it  worse the sides were dripping with diarrhea. She took them off and sighed from relief her Japanese bum bum can breathe again. There was still alot to clean. The next morning her mom found a video of her walking out of school dripping with diarrhea,her mom was stunned and went to the laundry room to see her work pants with poop stains over it. She woke up her daughter, and showed her the video. Akari had nothing to say. She of course said sorry but her mom told her " Akari if you keep this up you will have no more pants,and I'll make sure you won't buy anymore this is ridiculous,we can't be wasting money like this." Akari laid in bed for the rest of the day.

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