Chapter 6: Friends

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     When Cal was a senior in high school

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     When Cal was a senior in high school... he spent every day with his best friend, Dereck. The best part about his relationship with Dereck was that they could talk for hours about sports, girls, life, whatever. It didn't matter. Or they could just sit in silence. They were that close. That comfortable.

     He met Marsha junior year. Marsha was way more forward than any girl he had met before. And even though he wasn't always comfortable, he was grateful she pushed his boundaries. He couldn't wait to tell Dereck. Then Dereck met a girl. And just like that, it became a regular thing. Back then, Marsha would tell him what felt good, and eventually, he got better at it. And he did like it that much. In fact, it was all he could think about.

     Cal was going to Duke, and Dereck was going to a state school out West. Dereck insisted they go celebrate, just the two of them...

     Sid was walking to class with Lexi and Rue the following week. Everything had been pretty much normal since Cal came into Fez's shop last week. Everything except Lexi and Rue. Rue was still on drugs, to Sid's disapproval, and Lexi had been acting weird since that night.

     "I just smoked a little bit of weed," Rue told them as they were walking in the hall.

      Sid zoned back into the conversation just in time to scoff at what Rue said but covered it up with a cough. When she heard a thud, Sid looked to her right at Rue, who had hit her head on the door that was clearly in front of her.

     "Please, you guys, keep going. I'm just gonna sit here for a second," Rue spoke as she sat on the ground in the middle of the hallway.

      "So, it was totally weird the other night, right?" Sid asked Lexi as they kept walking to their next class.

     "What do you mean?" Lexi asked with a worried expression on her face.

     "I mean, with Cal and everything," Sid clarified. "I overheard Rue and Nate talking at the dance. Rue said, and I quote, 'he likes to fuck little kids.' That's messed up."

     "Oh, yeah. That's definitely bad," Lexi added. "Can I, like, ask you a question?"

     "Sure," Sid told her.

     "Why did you dance with Nate at the winter formal? Are you, like, getting back together with him?" Lexi asked.

      "Oh, God no," Sid replied with a chuckle. "I'm with Fez. I just danced with Nate because he told me he would turn his dad in if I did, but I couldn't even finish a song."

      "Oh," Lexi said, seeming disappointed by something Sid said.

      "Is everything okay?" Sid questioned, noticing her friend's odd behavior.

      "Yeah, all good."

      Sid was in English when she got a text from Jules. When she read it, all it said was to meet her and Rue at Elliot's after school. Sid replied, asking why, but Jules didn't respond. Sid was starting to get nervous that Jules knew that Elliot had asked Sid out. Sid omitted that part when she talked to Fez that day.

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