What Do You Want, Hayvin?

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A/N: Thanks for having patience. This chapter isn't something huge or too emotional like most of them are, but I wanted to get something to you all. So, this one gives you a little insight into Hayvin and Everleigh's friendship as well as introduces a new character that was once a huge part of Hayvin's life. I'm moving over to do a chapter on PBB for you all and then back over here. I hope you all enjoy!

What I've learned over the last two days is that the whole of my relationship with Alek was a stupid, ugly, beautiful lie

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What I've learned over the last two days is that the whole of my relationship with Alek was a stupid, ugly, beautiful lie.

A beautiful, heartbreaking fake.

A stupid, stupid forgery.

Know what else I've learned? It's never wise to drink tequila straight from the bottle when you finally come to that realization. Of course, what else could I do when my best friend demanded that it was enough crying over that...how did she put it...oh, yeah...that backstabbing shitpouch, and get drunk.

But I figured since I spent the first night he left a giant mess of insecurity, doubt, and tears, and last night in a rage that would have set the motherfucking world on fire-tonight would be the perfect night to get blackout drunk since I'm safe with my best friend.

I've not done something this stupid since I was a damn teenager and spending all of my time with Everleigh and her brother, Titan, but I'm pretty sure I've earned a night of stupidity. Especially if it shuts my brain the hell down because I'm tired of it running through every scenario that's probably happened over the last two days.

Did they run into each other's arms the moment he got there? Did they kiss passionately? Did he finally fuck her like he's always wanted to?

Something stings my forehead, pulling me away from the thoughts I've been continuously running from.

I reach up and rub the spot. "Ouch." I blink a few times to bring Everleigh into focus. "Did you flick me on the forehead?"

At least, I think that's what I ask, but my voice comes across pretty slurred to my ears, so I it could just be a bunch of damn gibberish for all I know.

"Maybe one of these times it'll flick those thoughts away for good," she mutters, pouring a shot and tossing it back. "You're supposed to be drinking to have peace from those three thunder cunts."


"David is on my shit list, too. He knew and still took him with."

It's a struggle to sit straighter, but I do a drunken scramble to get there, anyway.

Oh no. I can't have her blaming the wrong man here. Why is she trying to blame him?

"Ever, you can't blame David!"

I mean, yeah sure, my demand would probably hold a lot more weight if I didn't sound like I was talking through three years' worth of exhaustion...oh, wait.

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