4. The Unwanted Marriage

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I was sitting in my room admiring the birds returning to their nests after flying freely for the whole day. The thought of flying freely like the birds made me smile. I too want to experience that. I do that quite a few times. Not flying, of course. It's humanly impossible. But that doesn't stop my thoughts from touching the stars and basking in the moon. I wish my life was as free as my thoughts. A sigh left my lips as I came back to the reality of my caged life.

"Rajkumari sa, Raja sa is asking for your presence in his room," A maid informed me. I turned around and nodded at her before taking slow steps towards his room. Every time he summoned me, he turned my life worse than it was previously.

I stood in front of the door, which previously belonged to my father. I used to barge into that room without any fear but now, I feel shivers run down my spine even thinking about this room. Just how much did my life change with that one event?

"Come in." I heard him and pushed the door open. I took hesitant steps towards him and stopped at a considerable distance.

"Ji Kaka sa," I bowed a little to show him my respect that doesn't even exist. But I am still doing it, just for the sake of my people. The moron standing in front of me demands respect even if his deeds are nowhere near respectable.

"You are going to get married," His words struck me like a thunderbolt and I stood there, still shocked by his utterances.

"No! You can't do this to me. I am not getting married." I declared in a high-pitch tone and he visibly flinched in his place. He might have all the control for now, but I am the princess here, which will never change.

"Keep your voice down!" He ordered once he made himself straight.

"No! You keep your voice and eyes down, Mr. Eshwar. You are talking to Princess Meera Rajput! I own everything here, including your fate!" I roared, my anger and his baseless order bringing out the worst of me. He stilled in his place after witnessing the rage in my eyes after ages. I grabbed the nearby sword and pointed it straight at his neck and he gulped in fear.

I was trained in sword fights and horse riding along with self-defense right from my childhood and my father made sure to teach me a thing or two about the functioning of the royal palace every chance he got. The way he thought was like a game and he always made sure to make his sessions entertaining.

"You know what I can do Meera!" He yelled regaining his posture. I didn't move and bit but pressed the sword more to his throat.

"What can you do? Remove my people from their jobs? I can hire them next year when I get my authority back and I am sure my people can bear with it for a year." I announced to which he let a cruel laugh making me think again. He is ruthless and can go to any extent to get his work done. What the hell did he plan today?

"They are not going to be fired, Meera. They will be KILLED!" He said.

"You... you can't do that!" I said stuttering. I can't let them all die just like that! Heck with this piece of shit. I would have planned something if I had my people around but he sent them away. He has been planning for it. Fucking moron!

"I can," He replied and forwarded his mobile to me which had a video of one of our factories where the workers were all locked and bombs were placed on all sides of the factory.

"How can you do that you moron?" I yelled at him breaking into tears. My legs begged me to give up but I stood my ground not falling on my knees in front of a monster like him.

"Stop this drama and get ready for marriage if you don't want all of them to die due to your stubbornness," He warned me and left from there. My knees touched the ground as soon as he left the room and an ear-piercing sob escaped my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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