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Well, well, well. Here we go again~

Upbeat music from an unseen orchestra floods the room, a man in a crisp black suit stands center-stage, facing the imaginary audience. Behind him, mountains of gold, jewels, and unimaginable riches pile haphazardly in gigantic piles, glittering under the light of the camera crew and his dazzling smile.

"Thank you very much for joining us today," He speaks, an enthusiastic tone overtaking his voice. Practiced, poised, and perfected- He's done this before. "And welcome to 'Tell the Truth!': The show where we uncover history's greatest achievements, though not by academic success nor society's own advancement- No! We follow in the captivating footsteps of pirates, swindlers, and snake-oil sales!"

Taking a step forward, he spins and gestures to the room around, the ends of his tailored suit swirling around him as he does, "Our topic of the day? Someone the likes of whom you've never seen. They've made a career out of being the most outrageous imposter that we've ever come across on this show, and you're going to see what I mean."

The man holds out an old, faded wanted poster- Tattered at the sides with only a name and a face to its tea-stained paper; The bounty long-since gone. 

"My name is Y/n L/n."

"From XXXX to XXXX, I successfully impersonated the adopted child of both a Pirate and Marine Captain, sailing over two million nautical miles for free. During that time, I was also a world-class Poker player at just 17 years of age, and the assistant accountant to a wealthy businessman in your hometown."

"By the time I was caught, I was considered the most daring  Con Artist in the history of The Blue Sea. I had cashed almost 250 million Beri in fraudulent checks, on every island this side of the Grand Line... and that's only counting what they knew of. Some say the true number was well over 463 Billion, but hey, who am I to spread a rumor?"

"The best part is..?"

"I did it all before my 21st Birthday."

"My name is Y/n L/n."




"Y/n! Wake up," A pillow harder than a ton of bricks hits your face, as light floods into your eyes. Groaning, you pull the sheets over your head.

They are promptly ripped away. Curse you, morning strength.

"Come on, let's go!" The voice calls for a second time. Looking up to face your assailant, you see the annoyed face of your twin, T/n.

"T/n, what are you on? It's like, 2am..."

"More like 12am. Dad sent me up here t' wake you, said to tell ya' t' get downstairs before he comes up here 'imself." They reply, kicking you lightly in the side (Well, the sibling version of 'lightly', anyway.)  "Get up. Come on, come on. Everyone's waiting fer' ya,"

"Ugh, why couldn't he just disappear like the dads of other Y/n's?" You moan, rolling out of bed. Sitting up, you dodge another one of T/n's projectiles, kicking them out of your room as you get changed. Heading downstairs, you are greeted with the sight of your little four (More like three) person family, huddled in the kitchen. 

𝕃𝕠𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖 (One Piece various x Gn! Con Artist! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now