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Stanley POV:

I felt bad after what i said. But i am not going to take it back.

The Narrator left.

Now i really felt.. alone and.. sad.

But if i ever want to get out of here, i have to move on.

I walked around the whole map, trying to find something ANYWHERE.

I am going crazy.

Stanley felt helpless. He kicked and punched every little thing in the room he was in.

Narrator POV:

I watched Stanley destroy the room.

I felt bad. He has the right to be angry and i wish i could help but..

This is.. really scary.

Maybe he will just give up at some point and we can do what we always do.



No, this is wrong.

Stanley POV:

"Stanley. I would like to help you.."

Stanley's eyes lit up, but he didn't say anything.

Did he mean it?

The Narrator went up to Stanley.

"Please listen to me. I have an idea how to get out."

Stanley looked at the Narrator.


"It's pretty simple, we just have to replace the files with our names with.. other files, but the problem is, we must be careful not to break the game. Also.. the people.. who are in control, can't notice that anything is changing. So.. how do we replace us with.. us?"

Stanley began to smile. Finally, a little bit of hope!

"Where can we access those files?"

"We could go to the office upstairs and try it on the computer."

Stanley jumped up and down from excitement, took the Narrator's hand and went with him upstairs.

When they arrived, Stanley pointed at the computer.

"Yes, give me a second"

Stanley watched every step the Narrator made.

The Narrator stopped for a second, thinking again about the consequences, but in the end, he still did it.

"I did it."

Stanley started clicking through the computer.

"Wait- Stanley- no- don't click that!"



"All of his co-workers were gone, what could that mean?"

Stanley was a bit confused, what has just happened?

Oh, right.

Maybe i should have listened.

"Okay, sorry, i should have listened, let's try again."

The Narrator was confused. Stanley never listened, was there something that he missed?

"Uh..Well.. yes i guess so? You know what, don't worry about it. You can follow now."

Stanley walked back to the computer.

"Narrator, are you coming?"

"What do you mean Stanley?"

"Well i obviously need your help here."

The Narrator was even more confused.

"Help with what?"

Now Stanley was confused as well.

"You know, the escape plan?"

"Escape Plan? What are you saying?"

Then it finally clicked in Stanley. He fucked up. The Narrator can't remember.

Stanley tried not to freak out, he unlocked the computer, where is this stupid file he just deleted?

"Oh, no no no, i can't let you do that. How do you even know how to unlock that?"

The Narrator shut down the computer.

"Because you showed me!"

The Narrator couldn't comprehend what was going on. There was no way Stanley could have known how to do that. And he said something about escaping? Is Stanley messing with him?


The Stanley Parable - Stanley x Narrator Where stories live. Discover now