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Goofing around by yourself around the city  here and there.

Whichever store you found interesting you would enter.

As if you have nothing to do with your life anymore since tommorow is your graduation of your high school years.

Instead of preparing for University and worrying yourself with it. You are exploring your city. Even though you were forced by your parents to go outside in bright and burning day with sun radiating like it could cook you like a chef, it's a five star Michelin.

Ear plugs in your ears while listening to (f/m) you bop your head with the beat. Not too much for others to call you insane.

Your eyes were closing when some soothing music enters your ear plugs. And sometimes thinking about that one Tik Tok you have watched an hour ago.

You had your eyes closed then suddenly kill this love by bp started playing you flinched at it as the milliseconds enters your ear plugs after that emotional song which you were so into it a second ago.

You opened your eyes to look around your surroundings and you found yourself in a place where bunch of Fortune tellers set their shops at.

"How the hell did I ended up here?" You look around and notice that there were a few amount of people as compare to the crowd you were walking with a while ago.

You noticed that nobody noticed you yet which is great because you don't want these Fortune tellers to creepily call you and tell your future without asking and later will ask for their payment, like bestie what?

You kind of wanted to see how these Fortune tellers tell your future so you started to walk forward without getting noticed.

You almost thought that you would make a great robber with these great sneaky skills. Until you saw a person in a cloak looking at you. At first you were confused if they were  looking at you or dozing off. Until you saw their eyes fixed at you underneath the shadow cast on their face.

"Why are you walking around like you are gonna steal something?" The person with the cloak said. Their voice like an old lady who is in there mid 70s.

"What?" You said with confused face then her words suddenly dwell in your mind and you said "I am not I was just checking out these stores" .

"Ooh! Well it looks like you came at the right place with a right timing, dear" the old lady exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" You said.

"Aren't you 18?" The woman said.

"Yes, and why ask that?" You said.

"Oh, Dear. You don't know what will happen in the future." She said with a slight creepy smirk.

"What..?" You, who is confused continues saying " you mean?" Feeling a bit uncomfortable.

She let out a soft laugh audible to only you two.

When you heard her laughing you step back by one step to leave this place and go home and your (f/h).

When she noticed you leaving she exclaimed "Good luck!" With a cheerful smile.

You hurried yourself out of there and started finding your way back home.


You were standing on the footpath waiting for the traffic light to switch to blue for the vehicles to stop and for you to go to the other side of the footpath.

You were waiting while listening to your playlist on Spotify.

The road wasn't so crowded with cars, bikes and trucks though but you still waited until you saw a child in the middle of the road.

᥅ꫀᧁ᥅ꫀꪻᦓ? | Disney Princess!Genderbent x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now