Interviewing: Script-

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INTERVEWING:Script-                                                              Interviewed: April 28,2011

Q: How'd you find about Wattpad? 

A: Through my best friend iAntelope, she had her cousin over and then she kind of told us about this website that publish stories and we were all like and I quote "OMG! NO WAY"

Q: lol it's okay xD. haha so, what made you sign up?

A: Umm, iAntelope abused me into making an account, But I enjoy reading so decided to give it a shot!

Q: lol wow. So, did you ever write before you came here?

A: Ahaha. Umm, not really I was actually used to suck at English so my mother forced me into reading books because she thought it would me with my English and I kind of got into it then started writing...Omg. I'm not even sure if I even answered the question.. xO

Q: lol you did, haha. You told me that it helped you. haha, so before you went on Wattpad were you somewhere else?

A: Oh yeah! I first started in Quibblo, through Quibblo I found Quizella, I was on Quizella for a while until of course I got this crazy phone call from iAntelope  And now HERE I AM! x)

Q: Haha, Ooh, I interviewed her and she was from England. are you from England?

A: Sadly yes D; BUT It's the Royal Wedding and I get to miss school so...  Hehehee

Q: Lol Damn! I want to watch it. Ugh, Americans lol. So, how old were you when you joined?

A: Ahaha, I don't think I'll even end up watching it. I mean why them! My wedding should be on TV.  Umm, I joined when I was fifteen, now I'm sixteen.

Q: Pfft unless you're marrying a prince, I dont think we care lol. Do you like the new changes of Wattpad?

A: LOOL, your nice  Strangely enough I do I think it looks way better than before =]

Q:  Ugh, I disagree, haha. I like it better than it was before. Stupid damn Meebo.So what was the randomist thing, you've ever done?

A: Lool, It's cool. Umm, randomist thing...I once stepped on to a busy road and danced in front of the cars...I was very hyper that day oh and the school bus tried to leave us all at the bus stop so I stood in front of it so he had no choice but to let us in! Haha xD

Q: PFt. Weirdest person ever. Mm, do you play any instruments or have any special talents?

A: Oh HELL to the NO. *Does the bobbing this Mercedes did in Glee* I'm actually the most untalented person ever! You know I try but I suck D; And I play no instruments what so ever tried to learn the keyboard...Failed horribly...I'm good at football (Soccer) if that counts?*(Does the bobbing thing

Q: lol, same here.So, do you have a life besides Wattpad?

A: LOOOOOL, (Sorry I had to laugh) Of course I have a life, Oh god :')

Q; Lol, I'm just saying. Do you have a character or story that means a lot to you?

A: Ahaha, Umm I do this new story I started even If it's only one chapter. I don't know it's kind of odd at how much your main character ends up having the same personality as yourself maybe it just me but...

Q: but what? It happens that’s how we make characters.

A: Yeah true but, what about if you write a lot of stories, and all the main characters are the same, I think It would bore the readers.

Q: True, but that is why you grow and try to observe people. So what is your new story about?

A; Long story short about a girl that owns her own shop does art as a hobby. A business celebrity end up coming to her home town and basically a lot of things happen, I suck at explaining so you’re just going to have to check it out yourself.

Q: haha. Okay, so who are your favorite authors on here?

A: You of course  Haha, XxSkater2Girl16xX, ITalkSmack, OptimisticPessimist and XxSassyCynicxX, All their stories are amazing.

Q: WOO, me FTW xD. Who are your favorites outside?

A: Hahaha, Umm, I can't name them Lool because I don't know thier names, but I know the title of thier stories? xD

Q: lol, give me three.

A: The Awakening kelley armstrong (I remeber her) Vampire academy (Of course) And Nadia know's best (Freaking Hilarious)

Q: Mm. So, do you have any pet peeves?

A: D: Sadly no I used to have a kitten

Q; No. lol i mean is there something that bothers you?

A: Omg. Lool, I feel like an idiot.Dw I'm taking the shame... Um things that bother me well for one when people put extra exclamation marks on things I know it's stupid but It drives me crazy

Q: Lol, I've never experienced that. So, do you like sports?

A: Oh yes! Love it especially 'soccer'  And rounder’s (I think you call it baseball) x)

Q: Do you play it andwhat type of music do you listen to?

A: Yupp I play most of the time, I like to listen to anything however I dislike too much rap and Screamo

Q: What are your favorite TV shows?

A: I was waiting for that question. Nikita! Pretty Little Liars, Glee, and 90210

Q: lol, of course Nikita like any other British person I know. Haha, What type of genres do you write?

A: Heheh, It's amazing! I mostly like to write every kind, but never publish them D:

Q:Why not and what’s your least favorite?

A: I honestly don't think their good enough but maybe one day.  My least favorite would have to be thriller, Can't stand them *Shivers*

Q: I hope that one day comes and don’t worry, you’ll get over the fear. So, how do you come up with your ideas?

A: Mostly from other books I’ve read I don't copy their ideas or anything It just kind of give me the boost I need, and some of my personal experiences 

Q: That’s a great answer. So we have to questions left and one of them is what is your goal out of this?

A: I don't really wish to go anywhere it’s just more of a hobby and I guess it helps improve my writing so everything’s good 

Mmm. Well, I guess that’s it. All we have is the random question and that is are you a saint?

A: Ahahahaa, Nooo, I wish though.


ME: Lol, you dirty thing, haha. Thanks for taking the time to be interviewed. Now, I can do my essay in peace >.<

HER: LOOL, No thank youu! Oh god so sorry! Good luck with your essay ;D And now I can wash this dry face mask off my face.

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