War of the Fallen

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I hear her move over to my tree and lay against it next to me as she puts her head back and falls off to sleep, I sleep only to be brought into a nightmare..... im back in that damn place, norway in the city of tundric. That's what it was known as, and for good reason, the winters there were colder than a frost giants breath. Some believe that they lived there and during winter would hunt for food. I was back there in my suit of armour lined with silver and black playing on the shoulders with a cape draping down and then from behind me I heard my name, general Fenrir we have spotted a small army moving in from the south, I turn and say we move out bring our best soldiers with and the others on guard of the walls, ready the front line with shields and the one behind them swords men. The front will provide defense and rear will be archers. Our attack will be shields and sword after the archers launch a volley of fire arrows to slow their approach, ready the men. We move out in now, we I march the army out of the gates all men ready for battle I shout as they respond with a loud collective war cry, my brother skol is beside me he was a armoured in the best steel possible and on top of that he was a brilliant fighter. He was a man of purpose in movement and speed out on the battlefield. The army approach as we readied, I called shields, and the shields came up. Then my brother shouted archers, he looked at me and released a thundering loose, arrows fly and fire rained onto the army as the front line was taken down for a short period of time. They fire back, and our men brace for the impact as we charge them, the shields hold as we clash with the army. All that is heard is the low tone thud as we make an impact with them, and then loud war cries and screams of pain. The war starts blood and wood flys every wear as even the soil turns read and disturbed under over a thousand boots, I am out in the middle of it all hacking away at the soldiers with my sword and my brother beside me, we clear a visible circle as we fight corpses pile up as men from the opposing army die. Just as we think it's all over and the last man drops, we see more men approach over the hill. I shout, prepare for a second wave, men  ready your shields, and make ready your swords. One of the men from the right shout out WITCH. We have dark magic at play. A old women draped in a green tattered cloth with a dark brown hood and a staff approachs the battle field, I call out to the men and tell them to charge the army I will take care of the witch. I run at her blade at hand, and seeing red, I try to strike her, but she blocks it with her staff and pushes me away. I try again, but she forms a magical shield, and it blows me for my feet as I strike it. Then she hits me with a greenish red mist that glows and smells foul...... it takes control of my mind and makes me infuriated with rage. For some reason, I can no longer control my body, and I charge but not at the opposing army or even my men but my...... my brother. He turns in shock but by the time he realized I was under the witches spell I had already pushed my sword threw his chest plate all I remember was seeing more and more blood and saying im sorry im sorry, as I watch him die........my brother was gon and he died by the hands of my blade. I WILL AVENGE HIM, I tell my men to stand down and fall back as the army charges me. So I let loose and grab my sword I strike and cut at every angle making sure that every hit kills, blood and limbs fry as my men watch on in horror as I one man an entire army out of pure rage. Screaming and grinding my teeth, some soldiers turn and run after they witness it both from the opposing army and mine. The witch disappears too, and then it's over.... snow starts to fall, and I sit next to my brother covered in blood and awaiting death after taking multiple hits from arrows and axes, but it never comes. Finally a carriage comes and the men load all the corpses on it while I lay among the dead by choice, we make it back and enter threw the large wooden gates as the snow slowly falls and turns red as it hits the corpses. Then finally we stop and the men tell me that the king has requested me in the castle, that's where the dream ends

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