Part 4

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Darla watched in silence as the creature moved towards her without hurry. It looked just like she remembered it from her dreams – an exact copy of Cthulhu, only much smaller in size. In fact, this being was only slightly larger than a human male. Its yellow, reptile-like eyes were staring into her hazel eyes, and to Darla, it felt like the monster was studying her with its piercing gaze. She inspected him, too. It looked both magnificent and terrifying at the same time, just like its ancestor, who sleeps in the sunken city of R'lyeh. And then it spoke to her. Its voice sounded somewhat similar to the Great Old One's voice, but it was more like a mix of the rumbling volcano and the rattling of rusty chains, the latter being prevalent. It spoke the alien language she'd never heard of, and yet she understood every word.

"I've been waiting for you," his voice resonated in her head. "The descendant of the Great Old One, you're finally with us."

"If that is true, then why am I still human?" Darla finally dared to talk.

"You will start changing any moment, just like the generations before you. It's only a matter of time."

Darla shook her head. Is that really what was going to happen to her? She gulped nervously, and that's when she suddenly felt tingling under her skin. Her entire body felt it, especially the arms; and when she raised them up to have a look, she noticed in horror that her skin gradually began changing color from regular human to the mix of greenish and grey, similar to the color of this being's and also Cthulhu's body. But the change was only slight, and it stopped after a few seconds.

"What's happening to me?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"The transformation has started," the monster growled. "It will progress slowly in the beginning, but the more human traits you lose, the quicker you will change."

Darla sighed. There was nothing else left to do but accept it.

"So that's it, huh? This is why I am here – to reunite with the Great Old One and become what I truly am."

"Yes, but it's just one of the reasons."

Darla tilted her head.

"Is that right? What is the other reason then?"

The monster's reply not just surprised her. It left Darla in utter shock.

"The other reason is that you are the chosen one. It means I've chosen you as my mate."

"Wh... what?" Darla stuttered. Did she hear it right? This being wants her as his mate? So the creature is actually male. Before that, she was sure it was asexual, but now it seems she was wrong.

"The Great Old One knows all his descendants and their whereabouts. No matter where they are, he knows. He feels them," the Star Spawn explained. "He knew you were out there, and I knew it, too. I've been waiting for this moment for so long, and now my patience will be rewarded."

Darla looked into the monster's yellow eyes and thinking about what he'd just said. His patience will be rewarded... Is it what she's thinking about?

"You still look tense. Let me fix it."

One of his tentacles touched her chin, gently sliding along its line. Darla was breathing erratically, first through the nose, and then through the mouth. And that was exactly what the creature needed. As he mouth opened, the slimy appendage entered her mouth in a split second, pushing itself further to her throat. It didn't block the respiratory channel, so Darla could breathe, although she had to do her best not to gag with the alien tendril in her throat.

"Just swallow it. This will help you relax and drive away your fear."

As he said it, the tentacle spurted some kind of jelly-like substance into her throat. Darla expected it to be something revolting, but to her surprise, it wasn't. It felt a bit sour and lacked any specific taste, but as she swallowed it, a refreshing feeling flowed through her body. It felt like she drank a large amount of peppermint essence, and just like the creature said, it not only refreshed, but also made her relax her muscles and mind. If she'd been afraid before, now she felt no more fear.

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