Him:PART 1

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Okay so I used to have discord right? (BAD IDEA)
I met a guy and he was pretty chill
Knew him in middle school 💋

We got to know each other thru discord and oh my God.
All he did was make racist jokes, derogatory opinions, NOT to mention his jokes about women!! Like what-

Now here's the thing, I'm a people pleaser, so I just wanted friends (I should have said no srsly)
He used to make fun of me for liking things, like anime (Not into it anymore but yk)

And I would stay because I just wanted friends 😾
I ended up fucking up my mental health, I left him a few times but he would always beg for me to come back-

Okay here's the juicy part

He confessed to me like six fucking times and he wouldn't get the hint- Dude he said he was obsessed with me
And like everytime I would reject him, he would go on saying like how he's gonna khs, and I would be scared cuz yk it's your friend
So I would apologize to him and like say I'll think about it, I was afraid he was gonna off himself bc of me
Dude the amount of guilt he put me thru was bad,, like bad badd

And heres the thing, he said I'm guilt tripping him!!!
All because I started saying no, and saying how he made me feel
He's literally psycho

He made me feel like I was doing things wrong like,

NTM we are polar opposites, he likes different things, I like different things too!! Now that doesn't really matter but to me it does

He has asshole friends who treated me like ass
Btw he had to go to therapy because of me 💋
He was obsessed with me that much bro,, Btw he lied to my friends about some drama and made them turn against me!!

Total dickwad behavior IMO

This is part one of HIM💋
Part two coming soon!!

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