Your Horror Begins

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18 months Later

"Shit fuck!". That's all that could be heard in the luxury hotel room. Everywhere in that room moans left and right screams of pleasure in the air, the smell of sex filling your nostrils like your grandmother's good old pie the second you enter their home. If you travel deep within that room you'll come to find 2 men and one of them fucking the shit out of the other. "Oh! Fuck! OH shit shit shit!". The feeling of the air getting thick and the clenching of one's insides before they release something so fucking hot and you love it because you made them that way. The sound of skin slapping on skin and wetness sounds that feel like good music to your ears. Oh that's what people love about sex especially when it's with someone who gets you so fucking wet.

Daniel was having a long passionate night with a man he's been with for awhile. It was their first night together and fuck was that shit amazing. Daniel absolutely loved the size of this man. It was so big, about 11 inches. Damn ain't that a big dick! But even so if you walked in you would be tuned in with a sexual overdrive because you'll for sure won't be getting your dick or vagina to calm down anytime soon. Oh, but I bet you wouldn't mind that. Would you?

Daniel Park has been at J-high for awhile now. Due to the incident his mother doesn't want him near those friends anymore. But he of course keeps contact and hangs out with them frequently disobeying her orders. It's been 2 weeks since the festival. 2 weeks since he met him…. Before he knew it his thoughts went on and on until he was now at the cash register at the Convenience Store where he worked. He had a pretty good shift with only a few troubles and one of them was some kid that was like 8 tryna get condoms and he told him to go back home. That took a while. At around 30 minutes before closing time he saw someone come through the door that seemed rather familiar….

Gun Park walked in the Convenience Store with his glasses hiding the hungry gaze he had on Daniel. Gun took every chance he got to look at Daniel. He looked at him with such thirst. Daniel felt uneasiness…He felt eyes on him, not just any dangerous ones. His heart started raising; he didn't know why. Gun secretly smirked when he knew that Daniel's body still remembered him and it was weak near him. With their recent encounter with each other Gun was so happy but in a very sick way thinking for the past 2 weeks what he was going to do to the poor boy. He had such sick intentions so sick it's disgusting. The male continued to dominate the boy with only his gaze. Daniel became very scared, his body shaked and allowed him to do nothing. He had just stood there and his body was shaking. Gun eventually after 20 long minutes was done with his fun for now….Do you wanna know what's crazy?  He didn't even buy anything!

As soon as Gun leaves Daniel feels as if he can finally breathe. His body was still in horror and he felt super tired like he hasn't gotten sleep in weeks. Luckily closing time was in 10 minutes so he started to close a bit early and go home for the night. Daniel finally closed and locked up the store and headed home. He felt safe for a minute until he felt that same feeling that he just felt at the Convenience Store but not as strong. Daniel gathered a towel and some fresh clothes for a shower. As he placed everything he needed down and got in and turned the knob of that shower he started to cry. He was so scared and the worst thing about it he didn't know why. Not knowing why you're scared or crying is worse than when you do because you don't know how to stop it. The boy slowly slipped down the shower and curled into a ball and cried there for hours. He finally got out of the shower 2 hours later only to look in the mirror and see something happening in it. A black figure then appeared in the mirror's reflection and it latched its hand on Daniel's neck and with its other hand it started to bruise his waist and eventually let go and disappeared.

Daniel didn't know what to do at that moment. His own reflection was moving on its own and a figure of black was hurting him but his reflection was obeying. The worst thing is his reflection seemed to like it…..He then looked at his body and saw that the bruises his reflection had gained was slowly appearing on his body. He screamed but nothing came out, only a silent scream, a scream of pain. He was terrified and wanted to run to ask for help. But wtf can anybody do in this situation? They'll put him in an asylum.

"Fuck fuck fuck….FUCK" the boy yelled. He was naked in his bed and crying like he just witnessed the murdered victims of the night at the club once again. He couldn't sleep not at all. He was wide awake naked shaking all night until the brick of sunlight slowly creeped through the curtains. He felt safe like he just survived something major but he knows deep down this is not over. He may have felt safe now but he knew for some reason he felt like he was in trouble. Like he deserved a punishment for not obeying something? He felt horrible and whatever that someone was he wanted to beg for their forgiveness. He felt like he knew exactly the rules to this and that he disobeyed a major rule. Yep he knew because the pairs of eyes he felt on him seemed pissed. Before he knew it he saw the mirror in his room move and face him. He was confused and shocked and then terrified as he saw the black figure appear behind him and then smile? Oh how fake that smile was, the strange figure then started to choke Daniel's reflection. The figure has been choking him for 20 seconds and during that time the top right corner of his mirror broke. The creature grabbed the dagger and wrote on Daniel's reflection's skin and it spelled "Rule number 10: SLEEP!!!!! ". After that it disappeared and just like before his body bruised worse and his new friend that was written across his stomach. He felt horrible and he couldn't take it anymore before he screamed at the top of his lungs due to the pain that felt unbearable. Maybe because it's from the strange creature that it hurts more?

But that didn't matter, all that matters is Daniel Park is you have school and was late and the fact that Your Horror Begins now.

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