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A little boy was alone..
No clue.. Of why..
Lost family..


A yellow bear robot, sitting alone in a parts and services corner, inside a broken-down pizzeria.

This bear was all broken, no possibility of repair, nothing. All alone.

Suddenly, bright white pupils appear where his eyes would be, the pupils move as if looking around, this robot bear realizes that he was alone.

"Where is everybody?" It said still looking around, with the intention of finding someone with him, but there was no one else, just him.

After a few seconds of looking around, he twisted his body a bit letting out a bit of sparks and metal sounds, then he raised his metal hand resting it on the wall and got up on his feet, having full control of his balance, he separated from the wall and begins to walk around the pizzeria, trying to find someone, familiar, whatever.

He really wasn't completely alone, he lived with his family in that place that they considered a home. But not seeing anyone with him when he woke up seemed strange to him, if they were going to kill someone they would have warned him or taken him with them, since they know how he worried.

"Dad?.. Mom?" It said worried, still walking and looking in all the rooms of his home, but nothing.

A kind of magic surrounds the bear robot and after a few seconds it separates from the ground, remaining floating.

Not finding anyone in the restaurant, he decides to go out and look for them, even though it was a bad idea, he had no choice. The good thing is that at that time it was night so humanity would be asleep.

Being at the entrance of the pizzeria, he turns back just to have a last view of his home and with that he goes outside, and enters a forest that was ahead of the pizzeria, hoping to find his family.

Using his night vision, he searches the forest in hopes of finding his family nearby.

Not only did he have to worry about looking for them, but also the military, a long time ago the military considered the animatronics as a threat, although some of the animatronics tried to explain or reason with them, it was impossible, all the fault of his father who caused the first murder , he killed many humans that now they do not trust any animatronic, if they ran into one they wanted to attack them and this bear robot did not want to but if he had to continue living he would have to.

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by engine sounds, looking back and zooming with his eyes, he could see the military in cars speeding towards him. Thinking fast the robot bear teleports away from them, to avoid attacks, even if he is strong, he does not want to attack innocent lives.



Time passed, the bear robot was standing on top of a big mountain, looking in the distance at the city lighting up at night, it was a beautiful sight but not very joyful being alone, without your loved ones.

Suddenly in the sky he sees a fire star, the sight was beautiful until a certain fire star, as it wasn't going in its orbit, grew bigger and bigger towards him, it was then that he realized that what is getting bigger is going to hit him

Teleporting out of the way of such a thing that was going to fall, he was able to avoid the object, this strange thing landed on the ground releasing a big explosion and blue light.

Seeing that the landing ended, he decided to approach what fell from the sky, moments later, when he was close, he saw a kind of blue crystal, it was strange, he had never seen anything like that. He approaches the glass and was about to touch it but it starts to shine, making the bear robot have to cover his eyes due to so much light.

It was there that he felt a kind of magic or energy that surrounded him, he opened his eyes and looked at his body, and could see that he was being surrounded by blue magic, the same color as the crystal.

And there he felt a little weak, but he shouldn't feel that way, right? 

It was there that the only thing he saw was like a green and blue portal in front of him, and with that he was left unconscious.




Just dark..


After a moment of no movement and everything black, the robot wakes up and the first thing it sees is...

"Sand?" he asks confused. It is assumed that he was in a forest with many trees, he looks up, remaining in a sitting position on the sand, looking around he realizes that he is in a desert, a lot of sand, dry mountains and it was daytime.

"W-Where am I?" he asks concerned. He doesn't know that place, where he was?.

!'To be continue'¡

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