Sonic Heroes Chapter Six

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Cream was clinging to Amy tightly as Team Rose ascended up the elevator of the power plant. Sure, it looked big from the outside, but you easily learned how big it truly was from the inside. The floors were designed with hexagon patterns, lights lined every crevice and corner, and the vastness of the place could make one feel lightheaded quickly.

"Look! Those Eggman robots are guarding the machines!" Amy pointed out when the elevator stopped. "Something doesn't make sense...let's take them out first."

"Okie dokie!" Big agreed, placing Amy and Cream on his shoulders. "This shouldn't take long."

He walked up to the trio of green robots, all lined up and strictly on guard. After exchanging nods with the girls, Big hurled them at one robot each, then started smashing the third one himself. Just as Big assumed, they made quick work of the robots.

"Well then," Amy smirked, watching as a path appeared for them. "Looks like we can go beat out Sonic now!"

. . .

Team Sonic had entered the Power Plant ages ago- but like Amy had predicted, Sonic wanted to explore everything, thus putting them a little bit behind the other teams. Tails and Knuckles almost had no choice as they performed Sonic's endeavors throughout the plant, consisting of things like racing down hall, bouncing up the walls, running around the large spheres, freefalling from the upper floors...and Knuckles could only take so much.

"You know we're here for a reason, right?" Knuckles asked during one of their latest jumps from presumably what was the tenth floor down to the eighth.

"Yeah, we're here to see if Eggman fiddled around with anything in the Power Plant, and isn't just ciphering the power from the roads," Sonic responded airily, waving a hand as he did several midair backflips.

"Don't forget, we may possibly figure out just what the energy itself is, and what processes so much of it," added Tails. "If we find that out, then we may be able to use it against Eggman!"

"We'd find it faster if Sonic didn't waste time goofing off," grumbled Knuckles.

"It's not goofing off!" the hedgehog protested. "I'm searching for anything suspicious in my own special way, 'kay?"

Knuckles just groaned as the three of them made contact with a floor once again, along with Sonic instantly making a break for it.

. . .

"What did I tell ya?" Shadow chuckled darkly as soon as they stepped foot in the plant.

"Annihilate!" Omega practically cheered, taking aim at five Flappers that were trying to make an escape.

"This place is more impressive than I imagined!" Rouge exclaimed, eyeing everything there was to see. "It looks like were in the outer part, as's almost a bit too much!"

"We're not turning back now- let's go!"

Shadow raced through the spiraling roads, with Rouge trying to gather herself and Omega shooting at each and every robot. Shadow jumped through a trio of rainbow loops, working his way to a higher path. Eventually he made his way up to the path that led into the main building. As soon as they entered, the group skid to a stop and Omega leapt in front of them.

"Eggman's robots protecting unidentified machines," he informed the others, lighting up his flamethrower. "Eliminate the robots first!"

"Not that you'd give us a chance," Rouge mumbled as several explosions occurred afterward.

. . .

Team Chaotix, as usual, only ended up in the same place as everyone else thanks to their client. They never had any plans to head to the power plant, but there they were, walking around inside the most important building in Grand Metropolis.

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