Part 4

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This chapter is dedicated to @swiftiebugada on the occasion of her birthday. May you have a wonderful day surrounded by the people who love you and whom you love. Thank you for always being a sweetie and cheering me on. May this new year bring health, success, and much love. May all the love and care you give to others return to you in double <3

Feliz Aniversário, Gabi 🎂🥳


Engin via Twitter - 16 November 2020, 12:16 PM

[Engin: Three hours in the conference room and counting

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[Engin: Three hours in the conference room and counting...

*Picture of Eda and Serkan working together*


Leyla: And no yelling! 😨]


It was 2 PM in the afternoon, and it felt like an orchestra was playing a symphony within my belly. "I'm so sorry," I apologized in embarrassment when Serkan couldn't seem to contain a chuckle.

"We can take a break for lunch," he said, and I looked at him, confused. "I mean, I can ask Leyla to order us something."

"Tamam," I replied, and Serkan excused himself, leaving the conference room for a couple of moments.

I looked at my phone. There was a message from Melo and another one from Engin. I was going to open WhatsApp to read them in full when Serkan returned, and I turned my phone off like I'd been caught in the middle of something naughty. 

Ridiculous, Eda.

"You can finish writing your message," Serkan told me, but I shook my head and returned my attention to the computer before me.

When I arrived this morning, I thought I'd received another explanation for why my scholarship had been cancelled. I was expecting Serkan to justify himself once more. I thought he'd remind me what a privilege would be to work at Art Life and how I was letting my ire against him dictate my actions. Or something along those lines.

But it hadn't been like that. At All.

Leyla walked me to the Conference Room, and I entered after I knocked softly. Folders were spread over the large table. I recognized several designs and blueprints I had drawn for university projects. I identified reports I'd prepared for Fifi when working on the shelter's garden.

Serkan greeted me, asked me to take a seat, and he completed a short and direct interview. He asked questions about architecture, general knowledge, critical thinking, and logic. He paid attention to every word I said. He supplemented some of the answers that I gave and asked additional questions. 

After this basic exchange, Serkan opened the dossier he had before him and began listing items he'd observed and liked or those he had doubts about in my projects. He explained his interest in them due to a current project Art Life was working on that involved great gardens that needed to complement the buildings aesthetically and be helpful for the building complex to which they'd be connected.

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