"Now you are going to explain to me why you didn't tell me that you spent the day with Selin."
"That's the reason why I asked you to come tonight. I didn't want to wait until tomorrow or tell you through WhatsApp." Serkan was clearly upset. "I couldn't tell you when I called because Kiraz was hanging on my every word. She heard your name and tuned in."
"Anladım," I responded. I couldn't truly demand further explanation. I could tell Serkan was being honest.
"Selin arrived as a surprise. My mother really didn't know she was coming. And Eda, I was very forthcoming with my mother that I am not getting back together with Selin and that I'm with someone else. Aydan Bolat won't allow this to happen again," he promised solemnly.
"Peki tamam," I sighed. "I think it's best if I head home now. You need rest. The day was long, and Kiraz will wake early tomorrow for sure."
"Are you angry?" Serkan asked tentatively.
"Not angry per se - only I despise knowing that Selin was with Kiraz." I paused. "Then again, Kiraz isn't my daughter for me to decide who she spends her time with," my tone was somewhat melodramatic and whiny. I was trying to lighten the mood since Serkan was so downcast. I raised a finger, "Just be very well aware that I don't like Selin close to Kiraz. Not even a little bit."
I knew Selin wasn't cruel, but I loathed how she managed to disturb Serkan's humor and peace of mind. She appeared malicious and intent to hurt him at times.
I walked along the hallway and down the stairs, and Serkan followed closely behind.
"I honestly didn't expect her to come, Eda. I was very reluctant about Selin meeting Kiraz. I was worried she might say something that could upset Kiraz. But the one who ended up doing this was me," he stated, defeated.
I scowled at Serkan, "Kiraz is a little girl. She's not upset, Serkan. You apologized."
Serkan shook his head. "She was uncomfortable. She stopped answering me; she didn't move from your side."
"That's because she was in shock with your teasing. She wasn't expecting that from you. But she understood you weren't shutting her up."
Nothing I'd say was making things better. His features were sad and disappointed.
"Serkan, everything is very new for her. And it is for you as well. The only thing you can continue to do is demonstrate to her how much you love her, that you love her no matter what."
"How do you know all this?" He asked me, calming down.
"It wasn't easy for my aunt to adopt a six-year-old who was so attached to her parents. Things weren't easy. I'd spent a lot of time with her, always. But this was a big change. She stopped being my doting aunt to become my mother. She had to educate me, not just pamper and spoil me. I'm very headstrong; you know this. She and I shared many difficult moments. But there was always something that she made very clear: how much she loved me and wanted what was best for me. Even if she disliked my decisions or boyfriends, she never stopped showing me how much she loved me."
Serkan observed me before he pulled me into his embrace. "Do you really have to go?"
"I don't want to go, but I know I should," I answered, kissing him on the corner of his mouth. "You have to stay with Kiraz on your own."
"Stay a little bit longer. We could watch a movie; then I can take you home."
"Tamam. But after the movie, I'll go. First, because I have my car with me. And second, because you won't take Kiraz from bed to put her in the car to take me."

RomanceSerkan, recently divorced, has fought to overcome a tragedy. Feeling responsible for the death of his son and the end of his marriage, he's suffocated himself with work. What has kept him afloat is his best friend's unending support and an unlikely...