Luckiest Day

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Queen Tyuule stands in her command tent, peering over her maps of the local area, attempting to formulate a plan. She's been drawing up blanks, there's just about nothing she can do at this point, the Humans have them outnumbered and outflanked, there's nothing she can do about their situation.

She doesn't understand, the flimsiest and most vague of reasons are why they are currently at war with the Saderan Empire. False accusations of bunny warriors kidnapping and harassing merchants going through their territory, and army sent to destroy them was here to, and I quote: "Eradicate the inhuman barbarians before their annoyances become threats." End quote.

And at the head of this sea of steel and bloodlust, was the most egotistical, arrogant, hedonistic, and moronic man who has ever disgraced this world with his very existence, Zorzal El Caesar, Crown Prince of the Saderan Empire. Tyuule felt like having this... thing be her opponent was an insult.

Regardless of whoever her enemy was, they were losing this war, badly. Towns were raised to the grown, their residents were either killed or enslaved, and any bunny warriors who were caught in battle, their fate was not for the light-hearted.

It was a grinding war, a slaughterhouse for both sides. The Saderans burned and killed anything between them and victory, even if they had to trample their own wounded. The bunny warrior's conducted nonstop night raids and ambushes, heavily damaging the Saderan's morale and supplies.

But the Saderan's were still pushing and were winning despite how many of their own were dead. It just showed how little those elitists at the top of this army cared about their soldiers.

Tyuule herself was suffering from this war, the shear cost this war was charging her people. So many were starving, displaced, or dead. It messed with her head, so much as all she could hear were the screams of her subjects every time she sleeps, not like she was gonna sleep anymore.

"Gods, what should I do?" She silently prayed, hoping the Gods had heard her, though she was sure they were only listening to the enemy. Why would they listen to her? A lowly demi-human.


In the forests of the Bunny Warrior kingdom, Delilah quietly and slowly stalked through, wary of any Saderan's that might be patrolling this area. Gods, she hated those monsters in human flesh. How they flaunt their nonexistent superiority and skill, how brave they were, killing harmless farmers.

It would come off as sadistic or psychopathic to some, but she enjoyed killing those freaks. Every Saderan that fell to her blade, the world was little more peaceful, it was a small thing in her mind that gave her a purpose, rather than all her deeds being an indulgence in bloodlust.

She was wondering if there was going to be any point to her being here, there were no hostiles, and no disturbances. Why was she out here if there was nothing?! She would far have more use on the frontlines! Instead, here she was, stalking trees.

But then, she heard something, the noise made her unsheathe her blade. Her head was on a swivel, hoping she sees what's ever out there before it sees her. But then, she saw it.

A transparent blur of shifting waves, it had the outline of a massive arch, or a door perhaps. Whatever it was, it was slowly beginning to become more visible, its constant motion stopped as it became still. Then, it manifested, into the Gate.

Delilah stood there, stunned and unmoving, her eye's wide open at this event. She looked like a fool who had just been swindled by a conman, but there she remained, still. 

Her body moved towards it, an urge to feel it, curious about what an divine structure would feel like. Her hand was within a hair's inch of it, it slightly shook by being so close to it. Finally, her hand pressed forward, it's was warm, warm marble? Odd. Still, she was touching the ancient Gate, the structure her ancestors traveled through an unprecedented amount of time ago, entering into this world and settling it.

 Her mind had gone into overdrive, thinking about what she should do. Enter it? Leave it? Guard it? Dammit! What was she supposed to do?! Then, her thoughts when to one thing, her people, and the possibility of this being their ticket to salvation. The path to safety and possible prosperity.

 A new world, one that was hopefully kinder and more plentiful than this one. And so, her goal was set, to inform Tyuule about the Gate. This was the opportunity of a lifetime.


Tyuule had talked to Delilah about the Gate, and with some scouts she sent to confirm Delilah's claim, the gears in her mind began to turn. She thought about how she can get everyone to the GATE, while holding off the Saderan's long enough for the evacuation to be completed.

The only plan she could land on, was the one where they burned everything between them and the Saderan's. It would cause enough confusion amongst their ranks, while also masking their evacuation. It seemed like a good plan, but what if the Saderan's just started an attack? It would lead to lot of deaths.

More sacrifices would have to be made. Just enough to slow down the enemy, long enough for them to vanish. To get the children and elderly beyond the Gate, just long enough, just long time.

But for now, nothing. They had set fire to any untouched villages, their residents were evacuated and put with the rest waiting for salvation. "Your majesty!" Said a Bunny Warrior, Tyuule gave her a nod, basically telling her to speak.

"It's done. All villages have been put to the torch, and all of our people have been evacuated." Tyuule smiled, this was it! They were going to be free. Everyone was going to make it!

Then, a horn bellowed through the forest, an obvious sign of an attack. Guess it was too soon to celebrate. "Get everyone through the Gate, now! Those who are staying, ready yourselves!" The slither of blades coming out of their sheathes was barley audible over the stamped of Bunny people. There came a thumping sound, it echoed throughout the forest. Then, the yells.

The armored figures of the enemy came thundering out of the tree line, yelling as they ran towards Tyuule and her warriors. They stood strong, ready for their possible last moments of life, their ticket to salvation, was taken by another.

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