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Delilah walked around the staging ground for the Invasion beyond the Gate, the buzz of blowtorches, the whirring of gears, and shouting can be heard all around. She steps out of the way of an Automat, its long metal spider legs jab into the ground below and brings forth the next leg, it's surreal thing for someone like Delilah.

This whole world was strange for the Bunny Warrior, the large cities of steel and smoke, the metal monsters, their weapons, the whole world in general makes Delilah's head spin with how much there is out there.

There is the silver lining of her new allies being friendly enough with her and the other Bunny Warriors, albeit with a bit of suspicion and fear on their part, apparently this world only has humans, no demi-humans or other races that are common in her world. So, she can sort of understand why they tend to stare at her ears.

But she wasn't really interested in that, she was more invested in the weapons the Germans had trained them to use, Tyuule made a deal with the German Emperor to allow the Bunny Warriors to fight alongside the German when the invasion against Sadera began.

And she was ready for that day, the day when she and her comrades got to go home and take it back from those pigs! Oh, how many of those rats will bleed that day...

Then the call rang out, the invasion was beginning, everyone began to move.

As Delilah walks out to the staging ground, she sees a hardsuit pilot enter his second skin, a thick metal bodysuit that looks like a diving suit made for war. He slides himself in and plugs his body into it, the mechanic to the side helps wire him in easier and closes the top hatch, sealing the man inside. The suit begins to move, picking up his Heavy MG sitting on a nearby table.

How nice it must be to have an augmented brain to better handle machines. Such stresses on an unaltered mind and body would rack up on a normal human.

Shuffling into position, Delilah stands shoulder to shoulder with her sisters, their own specialized unit within the German army. The 1st Outlander Regiment, the Beasts.

All around them, soldiers stand in formation, their weapons behind their shoulders, priests adorned in their black robes slide by the men, whispering creeds and prayers to the men. Giving them the blessing of their God, and the hope that he will look down on them this day and protect them from harm.

All eyes then shift to the man standing up on the nearby stage next to the army, walking up to the microphone was the man himself... Emperor Wolfgang. Behind him were various individuals, such as the Prince and Princess, Tyuule, and Generals Gregor and Wittchen.

"Gentlemen, soldiers of Germany, warriors... today is a day that will be forever etched into the halls of history!" Wolfgang begins to speak, "Today is the day that the cold hand of justice will stretch out and smite down those who revel in the murder of children! This is the day that you my soldiers will avenge every slaughtered soul that these savages have taken! For they are nothing but murderers who believed they were justified in their bloodlust for innocents! With the protection and blessing of our Lord! We will bring this icon of murder and slavery, crashing down!"

"Go forth sons of Germany! Go daughters of Falmart! And avenge the fallen, For the Empire!" Wolfgang raised a fist into the air, all the men and women before him raised theirs's in response, shouting in excitement as they do.

Wolfgang then steps to the side, letting Gregor take the mic, "The time is now, move!" Men began to move out of formation and load into trucks and APC's, tank crews and automat pilots shuffled into their metal death machines, Hardsuits ready their large weapons.

Then, the armor takes the lead, the ones to lead the first charge against Sadera, the infantry following close behind.

Moving into the Gate, their surroundings become dark, and way larger than what was on the outside. It was like they were suddenly transported into the night sky, stars all around them.

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