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Tyuule finds herself before the most terrifying looking man she has ever meet before. His withered face, glassy brown eyes, and how his mouth can crawl into either a spine-chilling smile or frown. Even a neutral expression can hold every emotion behind it, this man was a wolf in man's skin.

"So..." The wolf king says in a language like her birth tongue, "You are from their world?" Tyuule nervously nods, even if the man is not trying to intimate her, his aura and simple stare just makes her skin crawl.

This is the emperor. Sigmund's father. If he hadn't told her on their way to the capital, she wouldn't have ever known.

And then there's his sister who has the most downwards look, it's like she's permanently frowning and has this expression of disappointment constantly on her face. Does she even feel emotions? Or is she just... broken?

This whole family feels weird, but they're nothing like the Saderan Royal Family, so they're good in her view. Even if they're kind of creepy.

"Yes, you Majesty, my people are from the beyond the Gate." Wolfgang raises an eyebrow, "Gate?" he asks, his interest peaked by this... Gate.

"Well, you see..." She can feel the princess and that General whose face is covered by that beard of his come closer, he seems interested as well.

"It's a divine object, it's only manifested and opened by the Goddess Hardy." Wolfgang rubs his chin, his finger slowly going back and forth, must be his way of processing information. "So..." Erich suddenly asks, "This Gate is how you and the invaders got here?" Tyuule nods at the General, happy that everyone here can understand each other.

"And you know where it is located?" Giselle asks, "Yes. I can show it to you, but... I want to ask something of you, Emperor." Interested by this sudden request Wolfgang leans closer to the rabbit woman, he's lending her his ear.

"I request that my people be able to join your army when the time comes to cross the Gate. Our home is in the hands of our enemy, and I want it back."

This surprises the Germans for a moment, then they begin to think. Reports from Nuremberg obviously show that the Bunny Warriors were fighting the invaders, but always from the shadows. It was only until they meet Sigmund and his negotiations with one of Tyuules Lieutenants where they convinced that they were not hostile and that they now shared a common foe and should work together.

Tyuule herself was wary of coming here, she wasn't sure if these humans were going to be anything like the Saderans, but from the back-and-forth conversations she had with Sigmund during their journey to the city of Frankfurt did Tyuule believe she can trust these humans.

Hell, she was still stuck in awe of this city and its size. Never in her life did she know she was going to see a city that covered so much land and reached towards the heavens, it's near endless sprawl of buildings, streets and roads that are either on the ground or suspended by metal beams, the metal carriages that move along the metal lines that spark with electricity.

How many people live in this city? Maybe the entire population of the Saderan Empire can live in this city and not have housing issues?

While Tyuule was thinking about his, Giselle speaks up, "I agree with this, your people are very skilled in combating this threat. Father, we should allow Queen Tyuule's warriors into our ranks."

Erich also voices his opinion, "I too agree with this request, having an ally who knows our enemy more than any of us will be beneficial."

Wolfgang ponders this, "I'll accept your request, Queen Tyuule. You and your people will be home within the coming month." He stands up and offers his hand to her, waiting for her to shake on it.

Tyuule slowly reaches her hand out, wrapping it around Wolfgang's and shaking it. "It's official! The German Empire and the Bunny Warriors will stand side-by-side in this endeavor!" He exclaims, the others present in the office begin to applaud, happy to have an ally in these trying times.

Elsewhere in the Lands of the Rus...

A desolate village in the Rus lands burns, the soldiers of the loyalist's forces, those who are still loyal to Tsar Gregory II are dead. They had established an outpost in the village a week ago, its position along Volga River would allow them to catch any revolutionaries that might try to sneak troops or supplies down or up the river.

Yeva Barisov, an Agent of the Okhrana, and the Tsar's personnel bodyguard look around the ruins, hoping to find a survivor, someone who can tell her what had happened here.

"Men! Fan out, search for survivors!" ordered Barisov, the few soldiers she brought along began to search the village.

"It's a terrible thing..." Barisov looks behind her and sees the one person she has devoted her life to, and the one who she really didn't want to see here, Tsar Gregory II. The Tsar is of average height, a bald head, and long scruffy beard adorns him; he's wearing civilian cloths with a flat cap covering the upper part of his face.

"This war, this pain, all of it caused by unbelievers..." His voice was deep and carried a weight to it, like a priest talking about his god.

"Your Majesty, you should be with your family... and their guard." Barisov insisted, scared by the Tsar being so far away from safety. The last thing she wanted was for the Tsar to get caught up in a firefight with revolutionaries.

The thought of it sent a chill up her spine, all those years of service to one man, undone in mere seconds...

Suddenly, an arrow flew out of nowhere and hit one of their soldiers. "Aggh!" The now injured man cried out, his buddy began dragging him towards some cover.

The soldiers began to open fire into the tree's, rifle cracks and the whooshing of arrows fills the air. "Your Majesty, run!" Barisov yells to Gregory as she turns her attention towards the unknown attackers.

Holding down the trigger of her SMG, the repeated blasts consume her thoughts, the recoil hitting her in the shoulder.

"To our right!" one of her soldiers yells out, her head shoots over and see's one of her soldiers getting cut down by a man clad in armor holding a sword.

"The hell..." Barisov muttered out in confusion, the most outlandish enemy is currently attacking them.

She aimed her gun at them and fired, this was not what she was trained to handle...

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