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My eyes flutter open as my head pounds harshly. Water washes up to my legs as a cold shiver runs down my spine at the temperature. I slowly sit up, a curious expression plastered onto my face as I look to my legs, my legs that where picking up on the cold temperature more than they ever had.

 I raise a brow as I tilt my head, slowly wiggling my toes in the water and seeing them move with ease. The movement soon travels through all of my lower limbs as they begin to move. 

A bright smile makes it's way onto my face, as I move them more wildly, I test my luck going to stand before I fail miserably and meet the skin of a creature below me, I notice I had fallen unconscious on him after a spark sent me into a daze. 

Whatever electricity that flowed through my body must've reignited something in my spinal cord, and was allowing me to miraculously move once more. I soon realised that I would need to strengthen my limbs, they hadn't been used in nearly a month, and where slowly atrophying. I steadily moved my knees to my chest, checking my mobility as my knees cracked. My ears twitched at the unpleasant sound as my legs began to hurt.

I didn't want to ruin anything as I quickly placed them down once again and dragged myself towards the queue of the animal I was yet to officially name. A small smile graced my face at the thought that I would no longer have to drag myself everywhere once I gained a bit more muscle. 

I quickly bond with the creature, eager to ride it as my eyes glaze over with another set of emotions. I feel the happiness within the creature as he notices my improved mood. He sounds a few aquatic squeaks as he tries to communicate, I was still trying to understand his frequency of clicks, roars, squeaks, and chirps, and I was slowly catching onto it.

 I wrap the makeshift reigns around my forearms as I begin to steadily glide with him. But the calm atmosphere doesn't last long as it seems we both notice the school of na'vi eating fish travelling past us and to a specific area in the distance, and those fish only meant one thing, someone was about to become gravely injured. 

I ushered the animal below me forward as he let out a few distressed calls, trying to communicate with the na'vi's ilu he may be riding, but there was no response as we both dived down. I was taken aback, nearly falling off of the beast at the sheer size and power. I gripped at him tightly, as not to fall off as I opened my eyes, the world around me turning into a blur of blues. 

But one stands out more than the other, the fish had stopped and begun to circle their prey, and as I looked a little closer, squinting my eyes I saw a darker shade of blue than normal. 

My eyes widen at the sight, Lo'ak was swatting at the fish that kept trying to bite at him with his dagger, cutting only a few of them open as one rushed forward and bit into him. Bubbles covered his vision as he gasped, holding his palm against the area to stop the bleeding. 

𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐞𝐟 || ʟᴏ'ᴀᴋWhere stories live. Discover now