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Before Lo'ak could lead me away he stopped at the sound of laughing and footsteps. Tsireya walks in with Aonung, Rotxo and the other forest na'vi as his eyes are directly drawn to the beautiful Metkayina girl. I deflate slightly, watching as he let go of my hand and immediately ran to the others.

Rotxo notices me and uses a hand motion to usher me towards them but I sign the word 'no' towards him slowly as he shrugs, slightly confused. Looking at the group, I only truly notice that Rotxo was the most observant, noticing when people where missing, and the only one who was ever worried and concerned about it.

He makes sure I'm okay, splitting his attention from me to the others as I wave him a slight goodbye. He returns the gesture smally, giving me a small smile as I slowly lower into the water from the marui's dock.

I didn't want to make too much noise and distract them from their conversation with a loud splash. I take a few deep breaths as I lower myself into the water, slowing my heart as my eyes open, I search around the water, dragging my hand along a rock as it glows under my touch. The spots on my skin start to dimly shine as I gracefully glide through the water, using my strong tail and legs to flow side to side, accelerating me through the sea.

I run the pads of my fingers over any surface near me as I twirl, flipping so that my body faces the surface. Through the barely disturbed water I can see the blurs of Tsurak's flying above as eclipse begins to fall.

I turn back around, completely stopping as I hear the cry of an animal. It was like nothing I had ever heard before. I hid behind a rock structure, slowly swimming in between them, cautiously looking for the source of the noise.

Bubbles float into my eyes as I gasp at the sight of the animal. It was huge, and terrifying. It's well trained eyes hone in on my body as I hurriedly hid behind a rock column once more. I can barely focus on slowing my heart as it beats erratically. I close my eyes, gathering myself as I peek at the creature once more. It looks at me desperately, making sounds of pain.

I remind myself that it was an animal in need as I cautiously swim out of the area, I'm in the open ocean as I swim closer, keeping at least a bodies length away. I flinch as the beast slightly moves, my heart pounding in my chest.

I swim to the surface, my body running out of air as I break the waters surface and take a few much needed breaths of air.

"Come on Se'aeylwa you can do this, you wouldn't want to be left alone" I murmur to myself, nodding as if someone else had said it to me.

I inhale largely, diving back under as I look from above the beast. It was the darkest of blues, and had jagged and thin lines of a near almost white on its back, looking as if it where struck by lightning. It had wings tucked close to it's body as one had a heavy, metal harpoon within the webbing, the most vulnerable part of an animal.

The harpoon was lodged into the ocean floor as it remained still, not wanting to rip out it's own skin. I swam over to the wing. The blue contrasting my skin as I lightly placed a hand on it's smooth flesh. It rumbles in warning and in fear as I begin to unscrew the weapon. I smooth a hand over the creatures skin affirmingly as the rust floats off of the human made metal.

I count to three in my head as I yank at the weapon. The animal screeches loudly as I grunt, tugging at the device with all my strength. I feel the metal loosen as I give it one more final tug. The sharp end flies from the ground and into the water as I wrap my arms around it and place it on a structure. I turn back to the creature as it frightens me. It's face was directly in front of mine, our noses could be touching.

It bellows a mighty roar as it turns around and swims faster than I've ever seen. I feel a sting below my chest, in the middle of my ribcage as the creatures tail must've struck it, ink floats in the air as it wafts into the small wound, I groan, swimming away too slow for the ink as it sets itself into my skin.

It was most likely a defence mechanism to blind the creatures predators. I ponder for a few seconds as I soon beat my legs and arms quickly, in an ungraceful fashion as I rise to gather air once more.

I press a hand to the marking the creature had left, flinching away from my own hand as it stung. The tender skin had already begun trying to heal as the water aided the process. I huffed a few times before I dove back downwards, I ventured towards a small cave as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, the foliage became bioluminescent as I tugged at certain vines. I searched for a few shells, ones I knew Tuk would enjoy as I placed the average ones in my satchel.

I smile as I see a pastel pink shell, small dots lined the hard surface as they glow, the shape would make a fitting small headpiece for the girl. I place the pink shell into a special compartment in my satchel, separating it from the others.

I slowly glide out of the dark cave, blinking a few times to get used to the new lighting. As I'm trying to swim a strong force forces my back against some coral. I shake my head in confusion as a strong current comes my way. I look to the side to see two Ilu's circling one another perfectly. As I squint my eyes I see that it's Tsireya and...Lo'ak. I'm sure it's Lo'ak. My mood sours at the sight, my first thought was that they where looking for me, but now I know they where definitely on a date.

Despite being underwater I feel a tear leave my eye, I'm not exactly sure why, it's not like we where anything special to one another.

Their still in my eyesight as they reach for one another, their arms connecting as Tsireya pulls him in, she shyly kisses his cheek, watching as his face burned crimson. I knew I had seen enough as I turned the other way.

I call for an ilu, letting the sound ring out to the vast sea as one appears next to me. I form the bond as I feel the breath and heart of the creature below me. I stroke the skin of the animal as it swam swiftly through the resistance of the water.

It soon vanishes as a roar sounds out through the clearing. My head snaps in the direction of the sound as it echoes through the water. Above me I see two Ilu's practically speeding in the opposite direction, and I could only assume it was the couple.

Unlike their mounts, mine flies away from me, knocking me off as it squeals and turns, swimming away from me and leaving me stranded. I'm left in the open sea, vulnerable to any and every predator as I rush to duck underneath a small cavern. My hand reaches out to the rock as I begin to pull myself under, and as I do so I'm sent flying in the opposite direction.

An Abysacall roars at me, trying to latch it's na'vi eating teeth to my flesh as the large beast knocks me around with one of it's tentacles, I grunt every time the limb comes into contact with my body, throwing me around carelessly.

I take one last glance at the the beast before another set of teeth clamp down on it. In a last ditch attempt the Abysacall wraps a tentacle around my ankle, but it's too late, it's body had already been shredded into a million little pieces.

My chest rises and falls hysterically as I feel the burning need for air. My head throbs with agony as I try to swim, but it's no use, my limbs weigh more than an Akula ever could and refuse to move at the simplest of my commands. I sway about, my vision disorientating as the last thing I see was a large and singular navy blur.

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