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It's been a long and exhausting week, really, and there was nothing else that you enjoyed more than sleeping in on Saturdays. It's just something about the way you didn't need to stress about that horrifying sound of your alarm clock evoking you back into reality, or the bed suddenly becoming softer and cozier than it already is, making you want to stay in all day long. Each morning was extremely quiet and peaceful, almost as if the entire world had been shut down for once, and your brain fell at ease. No calls from work, no angry customers complaining about their personal life, no teachers screaming at you for the fifty eight time this week and no unleashed dogs barking at you on the way home. Just you and your inner self, mentally preparing for the day.

But then suddenly, your phone starts ringing. Usually, you'd be expecting the sound of the alarm clock, but instead, it was your ringtone. Eyes still shut, you reached for your phone and answered the call, without even looking who was calling you.

"Hello?" Your voice was quiet and sleepy, you surely hoped it wasn't anyone you'd care to impress.

Suddenly, your face cringed at the sudden sound of the birthday song being quite literally screamed into the microphone. Your eyes shot wide awake, as your sight quickly shot to the phone screen, meeting the huge, glowing word written on it, "Minji". 

Even though the terrible singing and the quality of the phone call was making you want to rip your ears off, you patiently listened to your best friend singing the song, and admired the claps at the end, which had probably already damaged your hearing.

"Happy birthday, girl. What are your plans for today?" She curiously asked, sounding genuinely excited to hear what you've got for your special day.

For a second, you felt about about what you're going to say next, but then again, it's not like she should've expected something different.

"Nothing interesting, probably going to study."

"Somehow, I'm not surprised," she sighed, laughing to herself "but Jungkook told me that you were going to see him today, no?"

Minji had a plan in mind, and it surely worked for her. Of course mentioning Jungkooks name would stir up something inside of you, that would want to change your mind completely. 

But could you allow yourself to?

"Fuck, you're right. Just tell him I can't come. Tell him that something came up, and that I needed to stay home urgently."

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