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"Is this some kind of joke?" Your voice slightly trembled, unable to take your eyes off the blood-curling screen. You could feel the cold sweat rushing down your spine, and your face was slowly fading into pale.

A crowd of petrifying screams could be heard from outside of the elevator, which were muffled with the intense sound of the alert still playing from the phone, this entire situation appeared like a horror movie to you.

Your heartbeat was nearly choking you, and your hands were slowly beginning to shiver. Terrified, you took a few steps back to lean against the wall, and slowly slid down to sit on the frigid ground, carefully hiding your face in your shaking hands and beginning to quietly sob. You weren't sure of what to think, and weren't sure of what to do. You were probably going to die in this elevator with someone you don't know, and nobody will ever realize, or come to help.

As your breaths became heavier and heavier, echoing across the elevator, suddenly, you felt someone's presence appear infront of you.

"Listen, calm down. We're going to get out of here, alright?" He softly spoke, crouching down, so he could put gently wrap his hand around your arm, trying to bring some feeling of security. But clearly, it wasn't helping you at all.

You pushed his hand away and removed your quivering hands from your face, looking deep into his eyes as sorrowful tears ran down your rosy cheeks.

"Don't tell me to calm down, you dickhead." You snapped at him, "do you not understand what is happening? I'm going to die in here with you." You tried to speak through your sobs, your voice cracking at each sentence.

Your face looked absolutely despairing. With all of your makeup that you spent hours putting on downheartedly running down your face like an intricate stream in the river, and your pouted bottom lip quivering, you looked like your mind was shattering into fragile pieces of glass. Your chest was overwhelmed with all sorts of different emotions; panic, fear, dejection, and even frustration, it was driving you insane. You just wanted everything to be over.

His gaze was full of disappoint and offense, which clearly struck a nerve for you.

"Why are you so calm?" You half-shouted, "there's an actual virus spreading around and you're just going to sit and look at me like I'm some kind of idiot?" You wiped a singular tear from your eye, staring into him as if your life depended on it.

"Look, there's something that you should know—"

"No, don't tell me anything. I don't want to listen to you." You delicately wrapped your arms around your knees and positioned your face downwards into your arms, continuing to sob like a crying baby.

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