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The sun was already reaching the horizon, but you've finally reached your destination — the stranger's house.

It wasn't quite rich in size, and you swore that your eyes just saw a wild rat speed by, but to your surprise, it looked quite cozy. The wooden walls were dyed with a light yellowish beige color, and the roof was ashy grey. The front of the house had two big windows and a white door between them, which was accessible from the terrace. It reminded you of a homely cottage, like the one where grandmas usually live.

His front yard was quite empty aswell, but even so, it still appeared appealing to you. His territory wasn't fenced, and there was a vintage swing positioned not too far away from the building. Behind the front yard, your eyes could barely make out something that seemed like a serene lake, or a river, it was hard to tell because of the evening shade. 

As you walked along the snug pathway leading towards the entrance, you found yourself silently enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. How good it must be, to live in such an uninhabited place, far away from everyone and everything. Never having to experience peer pressure, or judgement from the society. Not feeling forced to live up to someone's expectations, and not going through severe panic attacks because you disappointed somebody. 

Waking up to the sound of tranquil waves swooshing across the water stream, and the delicate morning melodies of the birds chirping entering through the open window. Wearing whatever you want, doing whatever you want for the rest of the day.

Surely, this type of life would've been way out of reach before the zombie apocalypse occurred. Afterall, you would still need to find a way to graduate school, and attend vocal classes, but it was nice to dream just for a little.

In some way, you were quite jealous of his lifestyle.

I mean, judging the little piece of information you've gathered about him, he seems to be living a very mysterious, yet laid back and simple life. He had never stressed about anything, not even the sudden zombie apocalypse that had you panicking and uncontrollably sobbing, struggling to breathe. He lives far away from the city, and he didn't even seem bothered that one time you ruined his entire outfit by being clumsy and spilling coffee on it.

On the other hand, you were the exact opposite.

You wanted to make everyone proud by your achievements, you wanted to prove everyone that has hurt you wrong. You wanted to be the best at everything; the top of the class, the top of the billboard, the top of many people's hearts. You wished to be hardworking and successful, but by trying to fit a countless amount of activies into your daily schedule, you turned out to be a mentally drained mess. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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