-Leaf-Bare- ☆Chapter one☆ {1/3}

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Book 1 -Leaf bear- Chapter 1, part {1/?}


the night was cold in Moon clan...
The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow..

"All cats old enough to catch their own pray, gather under Rise Rock" said Hallow'Star. Hallow'Star star is a cat that all respects, very clever..

Cats started gathering under the Rock, sitting beneath it.

"Sage'Kit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be a apprentice. From this day on,until you receive your warrior name, you will now be known at Sage'paw. Your mentor will be Willow'wisp. I hope Willow'wisp will pass down all she knows to you"

Hallow,star turned her attention to Willow'wisp.

"Willow'wisp, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Yellow'Flight, you have also shown yourself to be Smart and worthy. you will be the mentor of Sage'Paw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Sage'Paw"

"Clan dismissed" Hallow'Star called out before her and Maple'Tail jump of Rise Rock.

Willow'wisp touched noses with there apprentice. The clan greats Sage'paw by calling out there name.

Sage'paw smiled at his new mentor.
"Hello Willow'wisp!" The grayish brown spotted cat ran towards there new mentor.
Sage stopped in front of his mentor, a big grin on his face. "So what we learning first!" The smaller cat was filled with excitement.

"I was thinking we try some fighting techniques" Willow'wisp responded than got up. She started walking out of camp and Sage'paw quickly followed Willow out of camp.
"Blahh its so cold out here" Sage'paw whined at her mentor

"Oh trust me, it can get way colder" Willow'wisp chuckled shaking the snow off her black pelt.
Sage'paw ran after Willow troting besides his mentor.

"Whare are we goingg?" Sage licked his muzzle and flicked his tail.
His pelt was covered in the a thick layer snow.
"To the same spot my mentor taught me at" the larger cat keep walking and her mentor followed behind.

Willow'wisp stopped at a flat, large rock.
"This is where we will start"
The black cat sat down in the snow.
"Show me whatcha got kid" Willow'wisp yawned

The smaller cat shook his head , crouching down than jumping as far as he could. Sage'paw looked at Willow'wisp for approval, Willow nodded.
"Attack me" Willow said with a grin

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