Leaf-Bare ☆Chapter one☆ {2/3}

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book 1 - Leaf-Bare  Chapter one part {2/?}


the orange tabby ran to the appreciate den "Sage!" Echo'paw jumped on Sage'paw and Sage laughed  "Oo that was fast, what did you have to do?"  "I just had to get Blackberry Leaves. it was easy cus they are practically right outside of camp"  

"Oh yeah, i get it" Sage smiled  at the tabby cat that was on top of him. Sage pushed Echo off and Echo'paw fell on his hind  and  Sage stood up, shook his head and turned his attention to  Echo.

"BOO!" a black cat jumped out of the near by bushes. "EAH!" sage jumped up as Echo just flinched. "Haha gat you again Sage" "Yeah yeah Dark'Paw" the grayish brown tom stuck his tongue out at Dark'Paw.

"Echo, Dark guess what"  "What?" Echo asked   "TAG!" Sage touched Dark paw and instantly ran off . "WHAT NO FAIR" Dark'Paw spat, giving time for Echo'Paw to run out of the den.

Dark'Paw ran after the two cats bumping into a warrior and falling on her hind. "Oh heyy Misty'Foot" the smaller black cat looked up at the larger warrior "Hello Dark'Paw. need something?"  "Oh no, i was chasing my friends and was not paying attention.. sorry haha-"  

"Its fine" the gray cat said before walking off to another warrior. Dark paw got up and ran after Echo'paw, as he was closer that Sage was.  Dark'ran after Echo, jumping on the cat and quickly jumping back  "tag!" Dark'Paw ran the other way and Echo quickly got up rolling his eyes and running after one of the two cats.

"Sage'Paw, training time! meet me outside of camp!" Willow'Wisp called out "Okay!" Sage rushed  out of the camp.

"Oo... that reminders me i need to go to soo Lunging'Claw... See you later Dark'Paw!" Echo trotted off to the med den "Okay... see you around" Dark'Paws ears fell back. The black cat went back to the apprentice den, laying her head on the soft leafs. 


~Out side of camp~

"Keep your paws straight, any lack of strength and you will fall" Willow'Wisp shouted. "Do i make myself clear?"  

Sage nodded , looking down at her paws, straightening them. "See that rabbit?" "mhm"  "Catch it for me" Sage strained his eyes on the white rabbit. "Jump how i taught you" Sage nodded than crouched down , making sure his paws ware straight. 

The cat crept closer to the small rabbit..

The cat pounced on to the rabbit, grabbing it with his jaw. the rabbit kicked and squirmed bus Sage refused to let the small rabbit go "What now!" Sage said 

"Kill it Sage! use that jaw of yours!"

the smaller cat clamped his jaw down harder on the rabbits neck..


   ~With Echo and Lunging~

"Make your way around the thorns Echo'Paw" Lunging paw said. Echo paw moved carefully around the thorns "Yippee i did it!" Echo was filled with joy "Yup.. good jod Echo, now fetch some Cat Mint for me, i neet to get some Chervil meet me back at the den." Echo nodded that ran off 

Echo was alone...

Echo walked to a Cat Mint plant ripping some of the leafs off, holding them in his jaw. Echo turned back and scampered off back to camp. 

"hey what are you doing out here Echo'Paw" A dark brown tom said.. "Oh.. im just grabing this Cat Mint.."   "With out your mentor..."   "mhm... so how are you doing Mud'Splash?"   "Doing good..    but my eye i guess... "

"Better hurry off and get that Cat Mint to Lunging'Claw.. Blair'Face caught green cough.." 'oh... got it... i will be on my way that.." The tabby cat walked of with his ears down 

to many cats are getting green cough, Echo thought to himself..


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