Chapter Two: Sasu-Gay Talks!

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I’m not so good at covers, so bear with me on the one I got.


Love is a Weakness- A Naruto Fan Fiction

Chapter Two: Sasu-Gay Talks!

“Thank you, Sasu-Gay. You have ruined my day, extra early. New record, I believe.” I smiled sarcastically.

He, being Sasuke, didn’t return my kind words. Just stared menacingly. “Ah, what do we do with you, Sasuke? You’re so rude. Didn’t even say good morning. Tsk tsk.”  I pretended to scowl him and shook my head.

“Whatever, looser.”

“Better than nothing. I suppose.” I chattered brightly, hoping to get on his nerves. “What can I do for you on the fine morning, that you so thoughtlessly plagued?”

He snorted and stuck his nose in the air. Prick. “Came to see if you’d walk to school with me.” He grumbled, probably hoping I didn’t hear him correctly. “Well, I’ll be damned! Sure, why not?” he looked at me suspiciously, then shrugged and started walking. I followed. I didn’t bother asking why he wanted to walk to school with me. Probably wanted me to shield him from the fan girls. I didn’t mind as much as you probably thought I would.

Yes, Sasuke is extremely annoying and stuck up. But I don’t actually hate him, I just pretend to. I feel bad for him. But I refuse to show it, he wouldn’t take my pity anyways. I refuse to baby him. I refuse to let him think that he is better than any of us. Who’s to say he is?

“Well, why were together, I may as well ask you.” We walked quietly for a few moments before he “Hn,”ed. I shrugged, knowing that was the only reply that I was going to get.

“What are your views on love?”  I asked, more timidly than I had asked Naruto. He stopped walking abruptly and stared at me. I had only stopped, because he had. He kept staring at me and stared back, refusing to be the first one to look away.

“What do you think?” he asked. I didn’t think he would ask me, but I had my answer ready.

“I think it’s a waste of time. Shinobi shouldn’t fall ‘in love’. it shouldn’t even exist for them. It is a sign of weakness, no great Shinobi would feel anything so preposterous.” I said boldly Sasuke looked extremely irritated, not only that but pissed. Had I said something wrong?

Through clenched teeth he said “You wouldn’t know.” and stormed away. What would was that supposed to mean?  ‘I wouldn’t know’? What Sasuke had said re-played through my head all the way to the academy.  What wouldn’t I know?!


I sat down in my usual seat next to Naruto. He was babbling about some great new Ramen. I could care less. I zoned out through his babble and waited for my name to be called for the exam. My last name is Taki so I should go before Sasuke.

Speaking of a certain Uchiha. I glanced over at him to see him glaring at me. Okay, seriously!? What the hell did I ever do to him!? All I did was speak my mind.

Didn’t know it was such a crime to do so.  Everyone has their own opinions, why can’t I have mine?

“Taki Hitomi.” Iruka-sensei called. I got up from my seat and followed him to the testing room. Before Iruka could close the door I heard Naruto yell, “Good luck! Do your best, Hitomi!”

I smiled. His words suddenly gave me confidence. I did the jutsu perfectly and rewarded with a head band. “Yes!” I fist pumped the air before exiting the building. I can’t wait to see how Naruto’s going to do.

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