Movie Spoilers

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Have you ever met that one person who has to always spoil the movie. I mean you can just be sitting there on the couch when the person you absolutely despise watching movies with shows up. Then to add on to that THEY try to get mad at YOU for "ruining" the show. Like no it wasn't my fault that you can't shut the hell up. So you try to change the channel but it's roo late then they be all like:
OP(otherperson)- Omg is that Empire! Oh Cookie and Aneka about to fight. Watch Cookie throw ha drink then walk away. Aye look Aneka about to sneak Cookie.

YOU- Hey, guess what?

OP- What?

YOU- Shut the hell UP!

OP- Well you don't have to catch an attitude.

YOU- Well then excuse me for trying to see what happens my own self, and if i may seem salty blame yourself.

OP- Well you couldn't try to be a little nicer Idk you haven't seen it.

YOU- Well dumb ass why do you think ever time you talked about it I walked away. Thxs for ruining that for me now i have nothing to live for.

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