This is where it all starts...

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I am in year 9 now. I am old enough to understand things going on around me.
After all, I'm not on my own. I have my family, I have good friends who always stay by my side and who help me.. So I don't have anything to be scared of!

I had something in my mind. I liked someone. Not anymore, I don't.
He was one year older than me. He is in year 10 now as I am in year 9. I could tell he kind of liked me too. Whenever he looked at me he smiled and believe it or not, he even said hi! So I use to smile back and say hello back to him, in a very low kind of tone of voice acting as if I was scared.
We have tutor groups in my school, a class held in the morning for 20 minutes with one member of staff which we call our academic mentor. They help us with anything we need. They even have meetings with our parents to inform them how we are getting on in school. Anyway, the tutor room I was in, the guys tutor class was right next to mine. So technically we use to see each other mostly, usually everyday.
Whenever we saw each other we just looked at each other and smiled.
Now my tutor has moved because of exam preparation, but I don't really care because I don't fancy him anymore even though we do still talk on WhatsApp or Facebook sometimes, very less.

Now, the story starts like this...

I went onto Facebook one day and saw a friend request appear on the screen. I checked and it said someone called 'Reece Stennett' has sent you a friend request. Before accepting or saying no, I clicked on the picture and saw it was the guy I had seen in school! So I thought for a second and accepted thinking that he would be a nice guy. He then messaged me the following day saying 'hey x'. So I replied back saying 'hello'. He just started chatting me up! Then we started flirting with each other and just carried on talking, even at midnight, after school, before school, early in the mornings... It just happened! Naturally!
I told my cousin, Kimberley that we was talking and she was very happy for me.. But she also told me to be careful because some boys can be a bit harsh sometimes. I said I knew and I was always going to be careful because I have always been reading stories about boys being rude and harsh to girls and all that kind of stuff...

Anyway, carrying on with the story...
After that, something very shocking happened in school.
A rumour was spread in my year about something going on between me and a year 10 boy.
I was thinking about Reece. I thought Reece might have told everyone about us talking. But when I asked him he said no he didn't tell anyone. Well it obviously wasn't me who told anyone. I knew rumours would spread.
We tried as hard to see who found out and all that but we just couldnt find out for some reason. It was hard to guess.

Later on, just a few days after the rumour has started to spread, I was in my Maths lesson, just when some girl called Hannah said somthing to me very loudly in front of the whole class, something very rude, disrespectful and annoying. She said "Oh, so Amber has a boyfriend now does she? Someone called 'Reece Stennett'? Don't worry babe, I won't tell anyone". What was the point of saying 'I wont tell anyone' if everyone heard her say that in a rude way anyway? I replied back saying to her "Hannah, what are you talking about? This is somr silly rumour that has been spread which isn't true and has never existed! Stop it Hannah! I know you're up to something!"
She just got very rude and didn't stop. She would carry on. I know I have been talking to someone called 'Reece Stennett' but I wouldn't tell anyone obviously because it would just make it so bate. I had promised Reece that I would never tell anyone that we talk and he promised me too. We kind of trusted each other. Now that we are close friends. Just that day when the rumour had actually started to spread, as soon as I got home I had a message on my phone from someone on messenger. I checked and it said Reece! As I checked he had asked me about what was going on in school because he might have thought that I told everyone in school that we are talking but I told him it wasn't me. When I asked him if he had spoken out, he said he never breaks his promises remembering when he promised me he wouldn't tell anyone anything and when I promised him too. He then said I trust you to me. So I was just like, 'Reece, I trust you too'. He started flirting again!

Anyway, I just told him if people say anything again further on just ignore them and say I don't know anyone called Amber. He agreed and he said the same to me. So then I said as well, don't worry Reece, I will do the same, I will tell whoever says anything to me, I don't know anyone called Reece.

School carried on as usual and people said what they wanted to say. I didnt really care anymore because I knew there was always going to be rumours and they were never going to stop.
This was a usual thing that happened in every secondary school!

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