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robin was blinded by clouds of smoke from the cigarettes of the folks gathered around the stage at the whiskey a go go, the smell of tobacco and booze in the air. there was a band playing on stage, called the dunne brothers. the band was young.. surely no older than her. robin was photographing the band from the bottom of the stage, as she always did.

today however, she noticed a gorgeous, tall brunette woman standing beside her, a big bulky camera held in her dainty hands. the woman locked eyes with robin and flashed her a beautiful pearly smile. robin thought that she looked like a sweet girl, and decided to introduce herself.

"hey, i'm robin". she shouted over the music so that the woman could hear her.

the woman scooted closer to robin so she could hear her better. "im camila. i love your hair". camila replied, referring to robins beautiful feathered red hair.

"thank you! have you seen this band before"?

"yeah a couple times actually... they've been playing the whiskey a lot recently..they're really good".

"i haven't seen them here before.. i like their style".

the two girls ended up chatting throughout the whole concert in between songs. the two had a lot in common. both were photographers, had a passion for music and got along great. at the end of the show, camila asked if robin wanted to get drinks at rock & reillys, to which she obliged.

"so what did you think of the show"? camila asked, sipping a pepsi.

robin took a sip of her jack and coke, which she ordered using her fake id, that she had purchased at age seventeen. "they were honestly really good.. i can see them getting big".

"me too. there's something about their frontman... he has that charm that kind of encapsulates their audience". camila gushed, robins eyes going wide.

"camila! you've got a thing for billy dunne"! robin exclaimed, camila covering her blush tinted face with her hands, peeking through her middle and ring fingers.

"oh my god camila.. he's such a tramp".

camila chuckled, her stunning smile once again plastering her face. "oh i know.. i hate that it makes him even more intriguing to me".

"my god camilla".. robin giggled, taking another swig of her drink.

"oh come on! you've gotta think one of them was at least a little bit attractive".

"well... they weren't really my type".. robin replied. she was definitely still into guys, but was into girls way more. she liked to think of it as a 70%-30% ratio.

camila furrowed her brows, tilting her head to the side in confusion. "not your type? those guys are charmers".

robin looked down at her lap. she couldn't come out, not in the nineteen sixty eight. it was not dangerous for her, but she didn't even know camila that well. "well i mean.. i just didn't feel a huge attraction to any of 'em. their drummer had a beautiful smile though".

"oh for sure.. and fantastic hair". camila replied. robin nodding aggressively

the rest of their night was spent grabbing a bite to eat, and then wandering down the sunset strip. over the next year, the two girls friendship would blossom into them becoming best friends. in 75' daisy jones would refer to robin being camilas 'twin flame' in a magazine article, and robin couldn't agree more.

fast forward to 69' and camila was sitting on robins bed, robin sitting on her carpeted bedroom floor, fumbling with a couple records she had just bought.

"you'll never guess who i met today". camila grinned, robin stopping what she was doing to hear camila spill the beans.

"billy. dunne".

robin shot up, practically teleporting onto the bed beside camila. "no fucking way.. did you talk to him"?

"oh i talked to him alright... we're going out this weekend". camila blushed.

"you're shitting me!! that's amazing cami"! robin hugged camila, the two girls giggling like they were gossiping about boys in junior high.

camila and billy went out for about a month and a half before camila decided to introduce billy to robin.. well, technically it was billy's idea. warren was looking for a girlfriend, and asked if she knew anyone who would want to go on a double date with him and warren. of course, remembering what robin had said about warren, asked if she would go. after lots and lots of convincing, robin found herself sitting across from warren, being introduced to him and billy.

"it's so great to finally meet you billy". she smiled

"you too. camilas told me a lot about you".

"you too.. not to go full dad mode on you, but if you hurt her i'll kill you with my bare hands". she smiled innocently, making warren chuckle.

"don't worry, we'll beat you to it if he does". warren replied, referring to the rest of the band, who absolutely adored camila.

"so camila tells me you're a photographer"? warren asked. billy and camila were having their own conversation, making warren and robin start their own.

"yeah that's how i met cam actually.. we were both photographing you guys at the whiskey last year".

"that's cool, that's cool.. do you play any instruments"? he asked, trying not to start an awkward silence.

"yeah, i play bass. i'm no paul mccartney, but i dabble".

"that's sick".

the night went pretty well. robin definitely had chemistry with warren, but more in a platonic way. she could see the two becoming good friends, but nothing more than that. he was very similar to her, personality wise. he did end up driving robin home, since billy decided to take camila back to his place after dinner. the car ride went fine, the two listening to the kinks on the stereo.

warren walked her up to the doorstep of the duplex she lived in. "i had a good time tonight, would you wanna go out again maybe"? he asked.

robin thought for a second. she didn't need to be his girlfriend to go out with him, she'd had plenty of friends with benefits in the past. "you know what? i'd love to. are you busy this friday"?

"i am now. i'll pick you up at eight"?

"gotcha. see you then". robin smiled, unlocking her door, waving him goodbye before closing the door behind her. once the door was closed, warren punched the air, whisper-yelling 'boo yah' before walking back to his car like he had just won the lottery.

authors note *:・゚✧*:・゚first chapter done! let me know if you guys wanna see anything specific with this story

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authors note *:・゚*:・゚
first chapter done! let me know if you guys wanna see anything specific with this story.. also, for my karen lovers, don't worry,
things won't get serious with warren and i just had to add him in so that she could get closer with the band before karen joined.. anyways i hope you guys enjoyed!

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