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warren had convinced robin to come out to camila. even though he himself didn't understand bisexuality 100%, he knew camila, being the empathetic woman that she is, she'd support and love robin no matter what. it had taken a couple weeks of convincing, but here she was, sitting in the living room of her duplex with cami and warren. she was scared shitless, but knew that camila would probably support her more than anyone in the world.

robin realized quickly that there was no easy way to say it, and that she just had to suck it up and tell camila as bluntly, and straightforward as she could. warren was sitting beside robin on the couch, arm over her shoulder to comfort her as she panicked internally. camila was sat on the armchair across from the couch.

"okay... uh.. there's not really an easy way to say this, so i'm just gonna say it as it is.. please don't say anything until i'm done talking though. i'm bisexual. i like both men and women. i wanted to tell you because i trust you and care about you more than anyone else in the world". warren rubber robins shoulder with his thumb, camilas eyes widening.

camila tried to get her shit together, composing herself and scratching her neck. "i don't know what to say... i didn't even know you could like both women and men"..

"david bowie does". warren added, grinning as he tried to help camila feel more fond about the situation.

"did you know about this"?

"yeah for a couple weeks... that's why we haven't been seeing each other lately". warren replied.

"and you're okay with it"?

"i mean... yeah? there's not really anything i can do about it. plus it's not like it's a choice she made".

"i guess". camila replied, looking down briefly.

"you're not mad at me, right"?

camilla looked up again, smiling. "of course not. you know i'd love you no matter what... i just don't fully understand it".

"that's okay cami, just don't tell anyone, okay"?

"of course not.. also.. maybe don't tell billy about it. he's not the most... openminded".

robin chuckled, getting up and going over and hugging camila, who hugged her back. warren was grinning from the couch like a proud dad, probably happier than robin was about camila being so accepting. he was like robins cheerleader.


robin got a call at an unholy hour of the night. answering it groggily, she found through camilaout that the group was moving to LA. they'd got a deal with rod reyes, who was a tour manager. he'd got them a show on the strip, and had bought a dingy old house for them to stay in.

warren had insisted that they bring robin along with to become a roadie with them, to which she immediately obliged. at 21 years old, she'd packed a bag, left her mothers home, and flew out to LAX. warren was waiting at the gate to pick up robin, and on the ride back to the house, he wouldn't shut up about it.

it was safe to say, she was a little underwhelmed when she saw the house. warren had worked it up to be much nicer than it really was. warren gave her a brief tour, before showing her to her bedroom.

the room had chipped white paint on the walls, one wall with the ugliest pink wallpaper with flowers on it. it smelled like wet clothes, but robin decorated it to make it look like something of an early 70's magazine. something you'd want to have an acid trip in.

the next day, karen walked into the house, to see the guys pretending to have a pirate sword fight. karen side eyed them, and walked into her new bedroom. robin went to go say hi to her, and make sure her room was okay. karen was looking around the bedroom, so robin knocked on the open doorframe.


"wow".  karen replied, referring to the very early 70's looking bedroom.

"yeah.. none of the boys would take it, so we thought we'd give it to you".

"is it haunted"?

"yeah, by uh, horrendous horrendous taste".

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
authors note
hope you guys enjoyed this very short chapter... writing about a wlw relationship set in the 70's is kinda hard based on the sociopolitical views at the time, but i'll make it work

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