First meeting

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Melis really... She was afraid.

She admitted this to herself even before they left her property. For along time, she was preparing for this exit. Choosing the right dress,jewelry and choosing a hairstyle took her much more time than usual.

It had been a very long time since she felt so stressed before any meeting. She knew it was stupid – her job was mostly to constantlymeet different people.

Social gatherings have not aroused fear in her for a long time. She was a master of making business or political deals. She did it perfectly -she could win over any rich merchant or official. She knew how to deal with them and what to promise them to support her. But this –it was something else. Here he did not know what to expect.

For a moment, he thinks back to the evening of two days ago.

They were sitting with Jayce in her living room. After a day of work,she was tired enough not to play dirty games, but not tired enough togo to sleep. So she sat in her silk nightgown, wrapped in a warmblanket, leaning against his shoulder while he read a book aloud. She stared at the warm, glowing flames of the fire in the fireplace andbegan to squint sleepily.

-You know... my mother would love to meet you. - announces, afterfinishing the chapter.

-Truly? – he says, waking up to this news.

He responds to her with a slight nod.

She told me to ask you if you would come with me to our house for supper?

She lowered her eyes slightly. She felt... Mixed.

Indirectly, she knew Ximena Talis – but, only indirectly. She still remembers how, a few years ago, she begged the council not to sentence her son to exile. What stuck in her mind the most was the look on her face when they voted through her request – grateful, relieved, overjoyed.

This memory always brought back another image of her—the steely gaze of her own mother.

Later,she saw her from afar several more times, in the crowd, during someof Jayc's public appearances.

She saw his smile fade slightly, as if he was worried about something. She must have not spoken a second too long.

She brings his face close to hers and kisses him. First passionately in the mouth, then fleetingly, but deeply on the cheek, then hugs him.

- With great pleasure – she whispers in his ear.

He has no idea how long they sat therein each other's arms.

Now it's too late to cancel that invitation. Jayce rings the door bell of his family home. Typical for the middle Piltover building - not very fancy or decorative, but neat and strong. With a small garden in which rose bushes grew.

The door opens.

"Hi,Mom," she says before they even cross the their shold.

As soon as they are inside, she responds with a hug.

He does it both incredibly tenderly and mechanically. As if openly showing affection to each other was something normal, unconditional,something ... Simple.

Jayce finally breaks his grip and turns to her. He grabs her hand and pulls her to him.

-Mom, I don't need to introduce you to Mel Medardy?

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