Song lyrics match up

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I got a random idea to do this so I'm matching LWA characters to song lyrics I only have two songs to do so yeah they may not be all characters just the ones I think match it. Also the song name will be there along with the person who created it.

E.T by Katy Perry (without Kayne West)

Amanda=your so hypnotising

Fáfnir= could you be the devil?

Prof.Ursula= could you be an angle?

Constanze=your touch magnetising

Akko=feels like I'm floating,

Croix=leaves my body glowing

Sucy= they say be afraid

Diana=your not like the others

Barbara=futuristic lovers

Prof.Finnelan=different dna

Vajarois= they don't understand you

The spirits= your from a whole other world

Arcas= a different dimension

Andrew=you open my eyes

Headmistress Holbrook= and I'm ready to go lead me into the light.

That's the first one done the second song is now up

Everything at once by Lenka P1

Ursula=as sly as a fox

Beattrix=as strong as a ox

Akko=as fast as a hare

Amanda=as brave as a bear

Jasminka=as free as a bird

Diana=as neat as a word

Constanze=as quiet as a mouse

Fáfirn= as big as a house

Everything at once Lenka P2

Akko=as warm as the sun

Amanda= as silly as fun

Jasminka= as cool as a tree

Last monster they fought= as scary as the sea

Amanda boy version= as hot as fire

Sucy= cold as ice

Lotte= sweet as sugar and everything nice

Jennifer memorial tree=as old as time

Andrews father= as straight as a line

Dianas mother= as royal as a queen

Frank=as buzzed as a bee

Hannah=as stealth as a tiger

Barbara=smooth as a glider

Croix= pure as a melody pure as I wanna be

So that's all I have but I also think this is my option that Amanda matches the lyrics with the song girl by Marina and the Diamonds it's the one that if u don't know goes like I look like a girl but I think like a guy not lady like to behave like a slime.
If there is any other song u want me to do I'll get doing it right after I see it

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