new friends

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4th of September, my alarm rang at 6 A.M like the usual except, this time, i immediately got up. I was excited to see Billy again, I'm really happy to have him as a friend.

I decided that I should take a shower since yesterday I barely had the time to take a great one because of my dad. Thinking of that, today I'd have to find a lie so Billy doesn't worry about my bruises. I got undressed and got in the water, it was nice.

I finished twenty minutes after and got dressed with a sleeveless black shirt and a pair of black shorts. As soon as I finished dressing up, I putted on my vans and ran out of the door once again. Except this time, I founded Billy on my poarch.

" - Billy ? What are you doing here ?

- Oh! Hey Griff, just thought we could walk to school together y'know..

- Yeah! Yeah, sure !

- What's that on your cheek Griffin ?" He came closer and touched my bruised cheek with his thumb, I became a little red.

"- Haha.. Nothing, i bumped into a door last night.

- Uhh.. yea okay. Pay attention next time."

He didn't seem to believe me but he dropped it and took me by my shoulder while we walked to school. As soon as we arrived, I was about to go to my first class because we didn't shared it together, but he grabbed my hand before I could leave.

" - Wait, uhmm. Wanna eat lunch with me and my friends after class ? I really want you to meet them, they'll love you I'm sure.

- Hmm.. y-yeah sure." I was really stressed by the idea of meeting his friends, but I wasn't going to be alone, he'd be there.

" - Great ! Good luck for class, see you later!" He gave me a quick hug while I was waving goodbye.

I was a blushing mess all the way to my class, the hug was so unexpected but oh, well. It was nice.

I arrived in my math class and took a sit at the back as usual and didn't even bother to listen to whatever we were learning. I was way to stressed about lunch. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't heard the alarm signaling we could go to the cafeteria. I quickly walked out of class to see Billy waiting for me outside. "Let's go!" he said. I just nodded while following him, obviously tensed up and stressed which he probably noticed because he grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile.

" - Don't worry Griffin, everything is gonna go just fine. I'm here." I smiled.

" - Thank you Billy."

On that, I squeezed his hand a bit more as we walked off to the cafeteria. We arrived to a table with a group of people around. I recognised some of them like the thoughest kid in the school, Vance Hopper. Or the one we call "StarBoy", Bruce Yamada. Billy sat and i did the same, my hand still in his, he didn't let go since of how stressed I was.

" - Hey guys, I brought my new friend with me. He's Griffin. "

As soon as Billy said that, I felt ALL the eyes on me, so I just looked up and smiled at them. The StarBoy then smiled back and took out his hand to shake mine.

" - Hi Griffin, nice to meet you ! My name is Bruce Yamada ! And this is Vance Hopper, Robin Arellano, Finney Blake and well you already know PaperBoy!" He pointed every boys while telling me their names, he's really kind.

" - Nice too meet you all, I'm Griffin Stagg."

After that shitty introduction of mine, we started talking, my hand not leaving Billy's.

At first, I was kinda scared of Vance, he could beat me up easily since he got held back, he's older than me and MUCH MUCH stronger. But turns out he's kinda nice from what I've seen.

After lunch, I got back to class with Billy since, this time, we had art together. I walked as fast as I could, really happy from what has happened today and also because we have art.

" - Haha, wait for me Griff!" I started to slow down.

" - You're just SLOW PaperBoy.

- You seem happy, I'm glad.

- I am, thanks for presenting me to your friends. They really made me feel welcomed, and I'm glad to be your friend."

He didn't respond. He just smiled, grabbed my hand and walked to our class. I could see him blushing, but I was obviously blushing too, so even if I wanted to, i couldn't make a joke about it.

We arrived in class and sat next to each other, our hands still connected.

This day couldn't get better.

822 words.

A/N : I KNOW this chapter is short but I have a MASSIVE idea for the next ones so YEAH!! I hope you all liked it, I once again had fun writing it, I really like this fanfic so far so I hope you think the same about it ! Any thoughts ?

Thanks for reading !

- Maxime :)

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