❣ your abusive ex wants you back

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The panic began to rise in your chest as your ex began to make his way towards you. You had prayed that he wouldn't recognize you, but the luck was not on your side today. You grabbed Brooklyn's hand in yours for reassurance, your eyes not once leaving the eyes of your personal nightmare. "Princess?" Brook asked, his eyebrows furrowing at your sudden change of state. He still hadn't noticed the much too familiar man making his way over. "Hello love," the deep voice greeted, the one who had only ever been derogatory towards you. You stood there with your heart pounding and your mind flooding with images of the past. The yelling, the screaming, and the neglectful actions he took out on you. You would never be able to believe another thing that came out of his lying mouth. In the back of your mind, you hoped you would never have to even think about him again, let alone be face to face with his subtly evil glare. "(Y/N)..." Brooklyn murmured. It was as if that he could instantly tell my your reaction that this was the man you had talked about before. If you could even call him a man... Brooklyn could remember late nights staying up with you as you vented out all the harmful memories. He could remember the way you sobbed and fell apart, having kept all the information in much too long. He remembered the way you let him hold you, as if he had broken past the protective barrier. He felt like he had been able to truthfully prove to you that he was never, ever going to place his hands on you. That's what you probably loved most about Brooklyn. Even when he did something as simple as holding onto your hand, it was gentle and loving, not firm and possessive. He made sure that you indirectly knew that he was always thinking about you, even if it was in the smallest way. "It's been much too long..." your ex chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "I really miss you, you know? We had so much fun together." Another flashback of his abuse echoed in your mind at the sound of the word "fun". "You... you better get back to where you were before I kick your ass," Brooklyn growled, his accent thick. "I wasn't talked to you," your ex scowled, glancing up and away from you for a moment. Standing slightly in front of Brooklyn, you didn't want to appear weak, because you weren't. But you couldn't help but feel scared. "It doesn't matter, you're going to walk away now, and you're going to leave us alone. For good," he said, placing a reassuring grip on your arms. Your ex boyfriend glared, but turned around in defeat, having nothing else to say. "Thank you..." you whispered, turning to wrap your arms tightly around the young lad. "I love you (Y/N)... you're safe with me."

credits to writer x

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