The Melody

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The lighthouse of Alexandroupoli was towering right above Jericho as he gazed around the city. His face was glowing as his mind wandered, watching the clouds flow in the sky. The sun was slowly setting and the sky turned peach and to deep blues. The streetlights all around him began shutting off one by one, so he finished his very last couplet and stuffed the loose sheet of paper in a book he was using.

He gazed around the city some more as he walked back home, thinking back on other times he has walked around here. He would romanticize this city too much when he first arrived. Lucius, his now best friend he lives with, would tell him he was out of my mind. It looked more clean, though, and like it was thriving compared to when he would live in Jerusalem. Lucius would like Jerusalem the same way Jericho liked this city of Greece if he were to travel there. It was just a new and different setting, a different environment and structure of the world around him. It's fascinating for someone who has only stayed in one place their whole life.

Now, both of them can't help but complain about the city. The specks of dirt in their water, the beach constantly filthy, and trash everywhere they go. At least now that it's nearing summer, the weather is nicer. It puts them in better moods and gives motivation to write what they've always loved writing. And now, he has finished writing what he wanted.

He reached their run-down house. He has always struggled to open the front door made only out of wooden planks, so he would use the side door. He entered through the kitchen, which opened up to the living room.

"Lucius," he saw him sitting by the fireplace, holding onto his lyre, "have you finished?" he asked him.
Lucius looked up at him and Jericho kneeled down to sit by him, "are you okay? You look stressed." Jericho asked.

"Yeah, I guess I am." Lucius replied.
"Oh, what's wrong?" Jericho asked.

Lucius looked away, fidgeting with his hands. He then looked over at Jericho again, "playing this song has been a dream of mine ever since I was left to be here on my own, I don't know what I would do when we finish." he said, consistently looking back and forth between Jericho and the floor.

Jericho watched Lucius twiddle with his fingers and he watched him trying to discreetly pick the skin inside of his mouth.

"You can always make up a new dream. You said you've always wanted to travel outside of Greece. You can venture away," he paused, "or we can go explore someplace together." Jericho finished, leading Lucius to look back over at him.

He smiled, "you'll always be a part of my dreams." he said, and Jericho smiled back.

"Come on," Jericho grabbed Lucius' anxious hand and stood up, "let's say our prayers over this." he said and faced the fireplace.

He grabbed the box of matches that was on a little stool next to the base of the fireplace. Lucius placed the lyre on the mantle and they held their hands together as they looked up at the altar next to the lyre.

"Let our hopes and dreams come to us easily and with no worries. Let us have no anxiety in our lifetime and in our futures." Jericho said for the both of them.

He looked over at Lucius, who opened his eyes moments later, like he was still praying in his head. He let go of Jericho's hand and sat back down on the floor, leaning against the fireplace. They looked at each other for seconds in silence, waiting for something.

"Did you finish the song?" Jericho asked him.

He looked up at the lyre and Jericho wondered what he was thinking about, "yeah, just about. I just want to perfect it." Lucius replied as he traced the fireplace tiles with his fingers.

Jericho watched his every move and knew this melody coming to an end was somewhat destroying Lucius.

"We'll try to play it all tomorrow. Let's just go rest for now." Jericho said.

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